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Participation promoted by the School of Industrial Engineering of Toledo

UCLM team wins the Innovation Award in The FIRST LEGO League Global Spain

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UCLM team wins the Innovation Award in The FIRST LEGO League Global Spain


The team Guadalerzas Eaguels, representative of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in the final of the First Lego League Spain has received the second prize for the Strategy and Innovation in a competition that brought together, in Logroño (La Rioja), more than 600 prospective students across the country. Organised by the Enterprise Foundation Scientia since 2006, with the support of universities and science and technology parks, this activity is carried out from the School of Industrial Engineering of Toledo, with the aim of promoting scientific and technological vocations among young people

Students from High School Guadalerzas, Los Yébenes (Toledo), prevailed over the rivals of fourteen other high schools of the province in the knockout phase played in the campus of Toledo last February. This weekend in Logroño, more than 600 young prospective students, organised into 61 teams, competed in the national final, which resulted in 18 selected teams to compete in international tournaments. The UCLM team won the second Award for Innovation Strategy, and it is part of a list of winners consisting of 25 teams and crowned by representatives of the region of Murcia.

The eleventh edition of the Grand Finale First Lego League mobilised more than 1,800 people who joined in the Rioja's capital for this fun and festive event that brings together science, technology and learning. The challenge 'Animal Allies', selected by the organisers as the theme for 2017, has enabled participants to learn about the world of animals, exploring new ways of interacting with people to improve the shared habitat. Contestants have sought solutions to this problem through a scientific project and robot game, integrating the values and skills the league promotes around innovation, creativity, teamwork, conflict resolution, and communication.

"In First Lego League, the process is much more important than the result,” as it was indicated by the organisation in the press after the final release. It is based on what teams do (scientific project and robot game) and how they do it (values). The essential thing is all that young people discover and learn through experience. Therefore, "First Lego League is much more than robots. "

UCLM Communication Office. Toledo, March 2017

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