Andrés Navarro
I am a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). I received my Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (2018) with a thesis on global climate modeling. I have been a visiting researcher at JPL-NASA and Colorado State University. My work follows two main lines of research: 1) human-earth interactions in climate models; 2) precipitation science (satellite measurements and numerical models).
My scientific production is the result of these two lines of research. This is a selection of the most relevant publications (see my ORCID for a complete list):
First and corresponding author
Navarro, A.,García-Ortega, E., Merino, A., Sánchez, J.L., and Tapiador, F.J. 2022. Toward Better Characterization of Global Warming Impacts in the Environment through Climate Classifications with Improved Global Models.Int. J. Climatol., Vol: 42(10), 5197-5217. DOI: 10.1002/joc.7527
Navarro, A.,García-Ortega, E., Merino, A., Sánchez, J.L., and Tapiador, F.J. 2020. Orographic biases in IMERG precipitation estimates in the Ebro River basin (Spain): The effects of rain gauge density and altitude. Atmos. Res., Vol: 244, artID: 105068 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105068
Navarro, A., García-Ortega, E., Merino, A., and Sánchez, J.L. 2020. Extreme events of precipitation over complex terrain derived from satellite data for climate applications: an evaluation of the southern slopes of the Pyrenees. Remote Sens., Vol 12, art.ID:2171, DOI: 10.3390/rs12132171
Navarro, A., Moreno, R., and Tapiador, F.J., 2019. Coupling population dynamics with earth system models: the POPEM model. Env. Sci. Poll. Res. Vol. 26, 3184-3195, DOI:10.1007/s11356-017-0127-7
Navarro, A., and Tapiador, F.J., 2019. RUSEM: A numerical model for policymaking and climate applications. Ecol. Econ., Vol. 165, artID. 106403, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106403
Navarro A., García-Ortega, E., Merino, A., Sánchez, J.L., Kummerow, K., and Tapiador, F.J., 2019. Assessment of IMERG Precipitation Estimates over Europe. Remote Sens., 11, 2470. DOI: 10.3390/rs11212470
Navarro, A., Moreno, R., and Tapiador, F.J., 2018. Improving the representation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in climate models: impact of a new parameterization for the Community Earth System Model (CESM). Earth Sys. Dynam. Vol. 9, 1045-1062, DOI: 10.5194/esd-9-1045-2018
Book chapters & book reviews
Navarro, A., Merino, A. 2021 Precipitation in Earth system models: advances and limitations. En Michaelides, S. (Coord.). Precipitation Science: Measurement, Remote Sensing, Microphysics, and Modeling (pp. 637-659). Elsevier. ISBN:978-0-12-822973-6
Navarro, A., 2020. Review of the book The Geography of Spain: a Comprehensive Synthesis by F.J. Tapiador. Boletin Asoc. Geogr. Esp. Vol. 83, 1-4, ISSN: 2605-3322
Other collaborations (selection):
Merino, A., García-Ortega, E., Navarro, A., Sánchez, J.L., and Tapiador, F.J. 2022. WRF hourly evaluation for extreme precipitation events. Atmos. Res. Vol. 274, 106215, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106215
Tapiador, F.J., Navarro, A., Martín, R., Hristova-Veleva, S., and Haddad, Z.S. 2021. Predicting Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification from Satellite Microwave Data and Neural Networks. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., Vol: 60, artID: 4205213. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3128076
Tapiador, F.J., Villalba-Pradas, A., Navarro, A., García-Ortega, E., Lim, K., Kim, K., Ahn, K.D., Lee, G. 2021. Future Directions in Precipitation Science. Remote. Sens. Vol. 13(6), 1074, DOI: 10.3390/rs13061074.
Merino, A., García-Ortega, E., Navarro, A., Fernández-González, S.,Tapiador, F.J. Sánchez, J.L. 2021. Evaluation of gridded rain-gauge-based precipitation datasets: Impact of station density, spatial resolution, altitude gradient and climate. Int. J. Climatol., Vol: 41(5), 3027-3043. DOI: 10.1002/joc.7003
Hristova-Veleva, S., Li, P.P., Knosp, B., Vu, Q., Turk, J., Poulsen, W.,Haddad, Z., Lambrigtsen, B., Stiles, B., Shen, T.P., Niamsuwan, N., Tanelli, S., Sy, O., Seo, E.K., Su, H., Vane, D.G., Chao, Y., Callahan, P.S., Dunbar, R.S., R.S., Montgomery, M., Boothe, M., Tallapragada, V., Trahan, S., Wimmers, A.J., Holz, R., Reid,J., Marks, F., Vukicevic, T., Bhalachandran, S., Leighton, H., Gopalakrishnan, S., Navarro, A., Tapiador, F.J. 2021. An Eye on the Storm: Integrating a Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., Vol: 101, E1718-E1742. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0020.1
Tapiador, A., Navarro, A., Moreno, R., Sánchez, J.L., García-Ortega, E. 2020. Regional climate models 30 years of dynamic downscaling. Atmos. Res. Vol. 235, artID 104785. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104785
Tapiador, F.J., Navarro, A., García-Ortega, E., Merino, A., Sánchez, J.L., Marcos, C., Kummerow, C., 2020. The Contribution of Rain Gauges in the Calibration of the GPM-IMERG Product: Results from the First Validation over Spain. J. Hydrometeorol. Vol. 21, 161-182, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-19-0116.1
Tapiador, F.J., Moreno R., Navarro, A., Sánchez, J.L., García-Ortega, E. 2019. Climate classifications from regional and global climate models: Performance for present climate estimates and expected changes in the future at high spatial resolution. Atmos. Res. Vol. 228, 107-121, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.05.022
Tapiador, F.J., Moreno R., Navarro, A., 2019. Consensus in climate classifications for present climate and global warming scenarios. Atmos. Res. Vol. 216, 26-36, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.09.017
Tapiador, F.J., Navarro, A., Marcos, C., Moreno, R. 2018. Estimates of the Change in the Oceanic Precipitation Off the Coast of Europe due to Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emission. Remote. Sens. Vol. 10(8), 1198, DOI: 10.3390/rs10081198
Tapiador, F.J., Berne, A., Raupach, T., Navarro, A., Lee, G., Haddad, Z., 2018. Objective Characterization of Rain Microphysics: Validating a Scheme Suitable for Weather and Climate Models. J. Hydrometeorol. Vol. 19, 929-946, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-17-0154.1.
Tapiador, F.J., Navarro, A., Jiménez-Alcázar, A., Moreno, R., García-Ortega, E. 2018. Discrepancies with Satellite Observations in the Spatial Structure of Global Precipitation as Derived from Global Climate Models. Q.R. Meteorol. Soc. Vol. 144, 419-435, DOI: 10.1002/qj.3289.
Tapiador, F.J., Navarro, A., Levizzani, V., García-Ortega, E., Huffman, G.J., Kidd, C., Kucera, P.A., Kummerow, C.D., Masunaga, H., Petersen, W.A., Roca, R., Sánchez, J.-L., Tao, W.-K., Turk, F.J. 2017. Global precipitation measurements for validating climate models. Atmos. Res. Vol. 197, 1-20, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.021.