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This recognition has been given by the Society for Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES)

A UCLM researcher has received a national award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Software Engineering

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A UCLM researcher has received a national award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Software Engineering


The University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) researcher Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez has received an award for his work: "Improving Post-Wimp Collaborative systems from Software Requirement Specifications", as the Best Doctoral Thesis in Software Engineering, by the Society for Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES). This work has been carried out within the context of the UCLM research group, Louise, in which systems such as virtual reality games or tele-rehabilitation have been presented.

The doctoral thesis: "Improving Post-Wimp Collaborative systems from Software Requirement Specifications", has been recognized by SISTEDES as the Best Doctoral Thesis in Software Engineering. The research by Miguel Ángel Teruel Martínez has been directed by the UCLM professors Pascual González and Elena Navarro.

CSRML language, just as its´ name indicates, has been defined to enable systems analysts to identify what the Collaborative Systems Requirements are, which are so typical in our everyday lives, such as, for example Google Docs, in games such as Fortnite, or in tele-rehabilitation systems. In this thesis, the experiments made which have enabled the proposal for developing such complex systems as virtual reality games or tele-rehabilitation, are validated.

The Society for Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES) is a non-profit national association which incorporates all research groups, both at universities and in the business world, which have contributed to scientific and technological development in the area of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies. One of the functions SISTEDES has is to award the prize to the best Doctoral Thesis made in this area.

This year, after having evaluated the applications received, the evaluating committee decided to unanimously award the prize to Miguel Ángel Teruel for his thesis, and he collected it last September in Seville.

Miguel Ángel Teruel studied Technical Engineering in IT Systems from 2002-2005. After having created and run an IT services company, MTMinfo, he went back to university to study Higher Computer Engineering and a University Master´s in Advanced Computer Science Technologies. Having finished this post-graduate degree, he began studying for a doctorate, publishing his work in high prestige international journals, as well as at different conferences in countries such as China, Taiwan, Sweden, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Italy. Amongst the recognition he has received is the prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Engineering and Architecture, awarded by the regional university in 2017.

UCLM Communication Office Albacete, 11th of October 2018

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