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Recovering workers’ data to negotiate and monitor collective agreements in the platform economy


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Duration: 10/2023 to – 09/2025 | Coordinator: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Austria) | Programme: SOCPL-2022-IND-REL-01 (DG Employment) | Financed by: European Commission, DG Employment, European Social Fund+ (ESF+), Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL)

Project summary

GDPoweR is a collaborative research project on industrial relations in the platform economy involving seven research and social partner organizations from five EU countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Spain). It centres on two location-based platform sectors, ride-hailing and food delivery, and explores three areas. The first is the collection and use of worker data by digital labour platforms and the impact companies’ collection and use of worker data has on worker well-being and their inclination to engage in collective actions. The second area of interest is strategies employed by social partners to negotiate and implement collective and company-level agreements in the platform economy. These agreements cover aspects like pay, working conditions, and the collection and use of worker data. The third and last area relates to the implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of such negotiated agreements.

PI: María Luz Rodríguez Fernández

Link: https://www.euro.centre.org/projects/detail/4722 
