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A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge


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Duration: 09/2023 to 08/2026| Coordinator: Deutsches Forschungszentrum Fur Kunstliche Intelligenz Gmbh (Alemania) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.2.4 - Digital, Industry and Space | Financed by: European Commission

Project summary:

The EU-funded dAIEDGE project will unite leading European research centres, universities, and industrial partners into a network of excellence (NoE) for distributed and scalable AI at the edge. Building upon strong foundational research, dAIEDGE aims at developing new paradigms, algorithms, and architectures for hybrid and distributed AI solutions. The dAIEDGE NoE is positioned as a catalyst, playing a pivotal role in the establishment of a robust virtual edge AI community across Europe. This network aims to seamlessly connect various research facilities, laboratories, digital innovation hubs, industrial stakeholders, and ongoing AI projects. By accelerating research and innovation, dAIEDGE will facilitate the digital and green transitions through advanced edge AI technologies and applications.

PI: Óscar Déniz Suárez

