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Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Highly Parallel Processing Platform for safe and secure AI


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Duration: 02/2023 to 7/2026 | Coordinator: Polytechneio Kritis (Grecia) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.2.4 - Digital, Industry and Space| Financed by: European Commission

Project summary

Computer processing units (CPUs), hardware accelerators, reconfigurable hardware, tightly coupled interconnected chiplets, hardware/software codesign and codevelopment tools, system software, middleware and AI libraries and frameworks. The EU-funded REBECCA project will make significant advances in all these domains in its efforts to democratise the development of novel edge AI systems. This SME-driven project will develop a European complete hardware and software stack around a RISC-V CPU, which will provide significantly higher levels of performance, energy/power efficiency, safety and security. The project will contribute to realising business and societal opportunities by validating and demonstrating its approach on real-world use cases and benchmarks based on real-world applications from the smart appliances, energy generation, infrastructure inspection, avionics, automotive and health domains.

PI: Arturo Simón García Jiménez

Link: https://rebecca-chip.eu/
