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Recycling plastic waste into high-value materials- Closing the Loop


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Duration: 06/2022 to 05/2027 | Coordinator: REPSOL (España) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.2.4 - Digital, Industry and Space| Financed by: European Commission

Project summary

The EU-funded Plastics2Olefins aims to demonstrate a novel plastics recycling process based on high-temperature pyrolysis, as the main product will be a gas stream instead of a liquid, so it will reduce the lifecycle GHG emissions by more than 70% compared to existing plastics recycling processes for unsorted plastic waste. The project will realise this in a two-step approach: first by adapting and testing a scaled pilot plant to optimise the components and process conditions and finally, a pioneering full-scale industrial demonstration plant at Repsol's petrochemical site. To optimise the carbon footprint of such a plant, the project will design and construct a plant that will be fully electrified by renewably generated electricity.

IP: José María Monteagudo Martínez

Link: https://plastics2olefins.eu/
