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Design, Synthesis and Applications of Phospha(twisted)NanoGraphenes


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Duration: 07/2023 to 06/2028| Coordinator: Carlos Romero Nieto (UCLM - España) |Programme: Horizonte Europa - European Research Council | Financed by: European Commission and the ERC

Project summary

Graphite molecules are crucial for modern electronics and emerging technologies such as wearable devices and artificial skin. Funded by the European Research Council, the PhosphatNGs will seek to tweak these molecules by inserting phosphorus heterocycles. Tailoring their properties and controlling their molecular arrangements could lead to the development of unique organic materials previously unattainable owing to the immaturity of organophosphorus chemistry. Researchers will test selected individual and assembled graphite nanoparticles as chiroptical materials and as prototypes for field-effect transistor sensors, laying the foundation for new research opportunities in material science.

PI: Carlos Romero Nieto

Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101087685
