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Utilization of Marginal lands for growing sustainable industrial crops and developing innovative bio-based products


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Duration: 11/2022 to 10/2026 | Coordinator: Centre For Renewable Energy Sources And Saving Fondation (Grecia) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.2.6 - Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment| Financed by: European Commission

Project summary

Ιndustrial crops can provide renewable biomass feedstocks for bio-based products like bioplastics and pharmaceuticals, as well as bioenergy. In this context, the EU-funded MIDAS project will develop low-ILUC (indirect land use change) and allow for the creation of sustainable, innovative bio-based value chains. The addition of mapping will also allow for the observation and acquisition of fields which can also be optimised for reduced water and energy consumption while reinforcing bio-based maintainable value chains that are more efficient.

PI: Manuel Carmona Delgado

Link: https://www.midas-bioeconomy.eu/
