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Microfluidic wAstewater treatment and Creation of Green HYdrogen Via Electrochemical Reactions


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Duration: 09/2022 to 08/2026 | Coordinator: Eden Tech (Francia) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.3.1 - The European Innovation Council (EIC)| Financed by: European Commission

Project summary

MacGhyver produces green hydrogen from wastewater using innovation in high-volume microfluidics, non-CRM electrodes and electrochemical compression. The device performs advanced water treatment while producing hydrogen, resulting in clean water as a byproduct. The design consists of modular, stackable units, capable of small to large scale production volume. The novel components (microfluidic electrolyser, electrochemical compressor, separator) are combined with existing renewable energy sources, for maximum sustainability. Design and development are guided by life-cycle analysis of each system. Ultimately, the device enables the production of clean energy and clean water, a key enabling technology for decarbonization and the advent of the European Green Deal.

PI: Justo Lobato Bajo

Link: https://greenhydrogen-pathfinder.eu/
