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A Holistic Approach to Sustainable, Digital EU Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Rural Development based on Reconfigurable Aerial Enablers and Edge Artificial Intelligence-on-Demand Systems.


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Duration: 07/2022 to – 06/2025| Coordinator: Acceligence LTD (Chipre) | Programme: Horizonte Europa - HORIZON.2.6 - Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment | Financed by: European Commission

Project summary

Agriculture is a key sector for the European economy. As such, it’s important to optimise production and identify potential problems. In this context, the EU-funded CHAMELEON project will bring together 12 partners from 9 European countries to design and deploy an adjustable and configurable drone. Specifically, the project will carry out three pilots in Greece, Spain and Austria. Overall, the project’s innovation is a new reconfigurable drone that will be able to modify its configuration and sizing upon demand. It can be deployed in homogenous or heterogeneous groups, and to support complex scenarios, as well as a set of existing heterogeneous, modular, interoperable, networked UVs systems.

PI: Rocío Ballesteros González

Link: https://chameleon-heu.eu/
