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PEsticide RIsk AssessMent for Amphibians and Reptiles


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Duration: 11/2021 to 05/2024 | Coordinator: Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (España) | Programme: COST| Financed by: European Commission

Project summary:

The COST action PERIAMAR (PEsticide RIsk AssessMent for Amphibians and Reptiles) addresses, through a multidisciplinary network of scientists from academia, government, business and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the challenge of ensuring a straightforward and useful procedure to avoid unacceptable risks of pesticides to amphibians and reptiles, contributing to solve existing uncertainties and to support ongoing efforts that, at the European level, aim to improve the efficacy of the whole scheme of Environmental Risk Assessment of pesticides.

PI: Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra

Link: https://periamar.com/
