10, June 2024
We are glad to announce that Dr. Samita Mishra has joined the group as a Postdoctoral Researcher. We wish you a great success in this new stage of your research career!
12, April 2024
We are pleased to announce that our recent paper on HOFs based on tetraphenylethylene derivatives published in Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, in collaboration with Osaka University (Prof. Ichiro Hisaki), has been selected as "Best Selected Paper". Read the full article here.
17, January 2023
This week, Dr. Subhrakant Jena has joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of nanomedicine. Welcome to the group!
28, July 2023
We are delighted to share our recent work published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, where we explored which is the optimal content of Ce required for improving the photocatalityic acitivity of a Zr-NDC MOF. Read the full article here.
27, June 2023
We are pleased to share our latest research article on the photocyclation reaction of tetraphenylethylene derivatives reported in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Read the full history here.
22, June 2023
We are thrilled to share our recent article on 2D luminescent Metal-Organic Nanosheets accomplished through a fruitful collaboration with the MMC group (University of Oxford): "Guest Entrapment in Metal-Organic Nanosheets for Quantifiably Tuneable Luminescence" published in Adv. Funct. Mater.. Read the full article here.
31, May 2023
Glad to communicate that our article "Robust Inclusion Complex of Topotecan Comprised within a Rhodamine-Labeled β-Cyclodextrin: Competing Proton and Energy Transfer Processes" has been published in Pharmaceutics as part of the Special Issue Recent Advances in Physicochemical Stability of Drugs. Read the full article here.
19, May 2023
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Lachkar, invited professor from the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (Fez, Morocco) gave a lecture entitled “Inorganic-organic hybrid materials: case of phosphate materials”.
30, March 2023
Kaltoum Bakkouche, invited researcher from the Euromed University of Fez (Morocco), gave a seminer entitled “Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots Derived Photocatalyst: Surface Chemistry, Optical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity”
08, February 2023
We are pleased to share our latest research article describing the effect of different linear alkyl interaler spacers on the photobehavior of Mn(II)-Perovskites, published in Int. J. Mol. Sci.. Congratulations to Alicia for her first paper! Read the full article here.
16, December 2022
Thrilled to share our latest research article published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., where we investigate the ulstrafast dynamics behaviour of a novel tetraphenylethylene derivative. Congratulations to Mario for his first paper! Read the full article here.
09, December 2022
We are delighted to share our recent work published in J. Mater. Chem. C, where we disentangle the complex photodynamics of two mixed-linker Zr-MOFs and their implications in possible advanced photonic technologies. Read the full article here.
30, November 2022
We are very happy to announce that our PhD student, Francisco Sánchez Martínez, has obtained the very prestigious FPU fellowship. Congrats Fran!
19, October 2022
We are very glad to communicate that Prof. Abderrazak Douhal has been included, for the 4th consecutive year, in the Stanford ranking of most important scientific researchers (link).
6, September 2022
Thrilled to share our new paper published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, about a novel approach to detect vapors of acids and bases by using luminescent proton-transfer dyes encapsulated within MOF. Congratulations to Fran for his first paper! Read the full article here.
6, August 2022
We are very happy to share our paper recently published in Mater. Today Energy, unveiling the direct relationship between the MOFs photodynamics and their photocatalytic activities. Read the full article here.
16, March 2022
We are delighted to share our review article focused on Perovskites and Quantum Dots (Synthesis & Applications) published in Adv. Opt. Mater. Read the full article here.
21, February 2022
We are happy to announce the publication of our latest manuscript in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. In this work we have unravelled the ultrafast photodynamics of DP-HPPI molecule, which undergoes and ultrafast ICT followed by an ESIPT reaction. Read the full article here.
29, December 2021
Thrilled to share our new paper about a luminescent guest interacting with a 2D MOF and its potential applicability in vapochromic sensing. See the paper published in IJMS here.
06, July 2021
We are pleased to announce that our review article, focused on the photophysical and potential photonic applications of hydrogen-bonding organic frameworks, has been recently publised in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews. Read the news here, and the full article here.
17, April 2021
“Synthesis and Photobehavior of a New Dehydrobenzoannulene-based HOF with Fluorine Atoms: From Solution to Single Crystals Observation” by Eduardo Gomez, Ichiro Hisaki, and Abderrazzak Douhal is now accepted for publication in the International Journal of Molecular Science. Read the full paper here.
15, April 2021
Our work on the photobehavior of a new MOF has been accepted (April 2021) for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Read the full paper here.
12, April 2021
We are pleased to announce the incorporation of a new member to our team. Francisco Sánchez has joined the group to develop his Master and PhD degrees. Welcome Francisco!
Nos alegra comunicar la incorporación de un nuevo miembro al equipo de trabajo. Francisco Sánchez se une al grupo para desarrollar su Máster y Doctorado. ¡Bienvenido Francisco!
08, April 2021
Prof. A. Douhal, member of the Editorial Board of the new launched MDPI scientific journal: PhysChem (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/physchem/)
Incorporación del Prof. A. Douhal al equipo de Editores de la revista internacional PhysChem (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/physchem/), de la editorial académica de acceso abierto MDPI. Ver el enlace: /noticias/noticias2021/abril/toledo/douhaleditorchemphys
06, April 2021
Now it is possible to visit our lab virtually through this awesome 3D-map! It is worthy to walk around the labs where the science is happening!
¡Ahora es posible visitar nuestro laboratorio virtualmente gracias a este mapa 3D! No pierdas la oportunidad de visitar los laboratorios donde desarrollamos nuestra investigación.
15, February 2021
Our group has been recently granted by the EU with the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship. See the news here.
01, February 2021
Dr. Soumyadipta Rakshit has joined the group as a Postdoctoral Researcher after being granted with a prestigious Marie Curie fellowship. We wish you a great success in this new stage of your research career!
18, January 2021
Dr. Mario Gutiérrez Tovar has re-joined the group as an Associate Professor. Welcome back!
28, September 2020
Pedro Esquerdo defended with success his master thesis "Ultrafast Dynamics of Hot Charge Carriers in CuS Nanocrystals".
01, September 2020
We have recently published a review in a very high impact magazine (Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews), whose tittle is Photodynamical behaviour of MOFs and related composites: Relevance to emerging photon-based science and applications.
If you want to see the review, click here.
10, July 2020
Elena Caballero-Mancebo has defended with success his Ph.D thesis "Laser-Based Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Microscopy of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Composites: Relevance to Photonics and Photocatalysis".
3, July 2020
Eduardo Gómez has defended with success his Ph.D thesis "Laser-Based Spectroscopy and Fluorescence Microscopy of Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks and Their Fundamental Units: Relevance to Photonic Applications".
3, March 2020
The manuscript entitled “Shape-Persistent Phenylene-Ethynylene Macrocycles Spectroscopy and Dynamics: From Molecules to the Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework Material" by E. Gomez, M. di Nunzio, M. Moreno, I. Hisaki, A. Douhal, has been accepted for publication in the J. Phy. Chem. C.
4, February 2020
Our proposal on exploring QDs@perovskite (LED4Nature) to the EC (MSCA-IF-EF-ST, H2020) has been approved with a very high score: 99.4 over 100 points. Congratulations to Dr. Soumyadipta Rakshit for the success of the proposal.
To see more: /noticias/noticias2020/febrero/albacete/becas_mariecurie
11, December 2019
Our project on HOFs and MOFs to the regional government (JCCM) has been approved with the highest financial support in the call.
11, November 2019
Elena Caballero Mancebo, PhD student in the research group of Professor Abderrazzak Douhal (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain) has been awarded with one of the three prizes to the best Poster “Ultrafast Science and Technology Spain meeting (USTS 2019).”
07, August 2019
We have recently published an article in a very high impact magazine (Advanced Science). This article has been published in collaboration with the research group of the Professor D. E. De Vos of the KU Leuven.
If you want to see the article, click here.
22, July 2019
Eduardo Gómez has started his 3-month stay at the laboratory of Prof. Takayoshi Nakamura under the supervision of the associate Prof. Ichiro Hisaki in the RIES – Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan.
19, July 2019
Elena Caballero came back from her stay at the laboratory of Prof. Hiroshi Miyasaka at the University of Osaka (Japan)
10, July 2019
Lorenzo Angiolini has defended with success his Ph.D thesis "Exploring the intimate interactions of selected antibiotics with cyclodextrin and silica-based nanocarriers".
20, June 2019
Elena Caballero has presented oral and poster contributions at the 5th International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics, 27 of June.
25, May 2019
Eduardo Gomez has presented an oral contribution at the XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la RSEQ, 28 of May.
15, April 2019
Elena Caballero has left for a 3-month stay in the group of Prof. Hiroshi Miyasaka, University of Osaka (Japan).
02, April 2019
We are pleased to inform that our colleague Elena Caballero has obtained a scholarship offered by the UCLM to make a 3-month stay (from April to July) in the laboratory of Professor Hiroshi Miyasaka at the University of Osaka (Japan).
29, March 2019
Our colleague Eduardo Gómez will participate in the VII Jornadas Doctorales Grupo 9 (G-9), which will be celebrate in Logroño from April 10 to 12.
17, March 2019
Moroccan TV channel 1 (Al-Oula) has emitted the following video at its main news on 14 of February 2019
05, February 2019
The UCLM publishes news about our recent work published in JACS.
See the full version in Japanese.
08, January 2019
We have recently published an article in a very high impact magazine (JACS). This article has been published in collaboration with the research group of Professor Ichiro Hisaki of the Unviersity of Hokkaido.
If you want to see the article, click here.
26, November 2018
Dr. Masanori Sakamoto, from the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (Japan) gave a seminar on “Photo-induced Carrier Dynamics of Heterostructured Semiconductor Nanocrystals”.
16, November 2018
The group welcomes Dr. Masanori Sakamoto (from the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Japan) for a two-week stay 15 November 2018.
16, October 2018
Eduardo Gómez García, PhD student in the research group of Professor Abderrazzak Douhal (University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain) has been awarded with one of the two prizes to the best Poster in Science at “VIII Jornadas Doctorales congress” on October the 17th, 2018. The student presented his work entitled "Exploring the Photobehaviour of New HOF: Spectroscopic Studies From the Ensemble to the Single Crystal", which has been developed in the field of spectroscopy in Toledo by the group of Femtoscience and Microscopy. In addition, this work has been carried out in collaboration with the research group of Professor Ichiro Hisaki of the University of Hokkaido (Japan). |
15, October 2018
Dr. Piotr. Piatkowski (Warsaw University, Poland) gave a seminar on the use and power of time-resolved THz spectroscopy to explore the photoconductivity of semiconductor materials.
15, October 2018
The group welcomes Dr. Piotr Piątkowski (Warsaw University, Poland) for a new stay. Piotr was a past doctoral researcher during a long time.
28, September 2018
NEW ARTICLE: Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Electronic Density Influence on Proton-Transfer Reactions by Eduardo Gomez and co-workers.
It can be cited as: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 27149-27161
25, September 2018
El catedrático de Química-Física de la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquímica (Toledo) se ha incorporado al equipo de editores de la revista científica internacional: ‘International Journal of Molecular Science (IJMS)’, en sus apartados Physical Chemistry y Chemical Physics. De carácter multidisciplinar y acceso libre, la revista se publica mensualmente en formato electrónico desde el año 2000. Actualmente tiene un factor de impacto de 3.7 y los trabajos publicados investigaciones relacionadas con la bioquímica, la biología molecular y celular o la biofísica molecular.
24, September 2018
The group welcomes Lucie Duplouy, a Ph.D student from the University of Lille, France. She will stay for 3 months.
The link of her lab is here.
11, September 2018
El catedrático de Química Física de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Abderrazzak Douhal ha sido distinguido en el congreso anual de la asociación japonesa de Fotoquímica (Japanese Association for Photochemistry, JAP) con el premio Elsevier Lectureship Award, en su quinta edición internacional, por su labor investigadora en la fotoquímica y fotofísica de un tipo de nanomateriales formadas por redes organometálicas nanométricas. Su estudio incide en cómo este tipo de materiales tiene varias aplicaciones como en catálisis, separación y almacenamientos de gases, nanomedicina, LED o sensores.
More info: Click here
Previous news
We show below the most important news of the group of the last years.