Once the Ph.D. student has been notified of the issuance of the preliminary assessment reports, and if these are favorable, he/she must request authorization from his/her academic committee for the admission to the thesis defense process, with the agreement of his/her director(s).
Both the doctoral student's request and the subsequent approval of the director and authorization of the academic committee will be carried out in the thesis deposit management tool available at the following link:
The various participants may be assisted in this task by the guide available at this link.
The steps at this point of the procedure are as follows:
1. Incorporation by the student of the documentation attached to the application according to the modality of the thesis and the mention(s) to the doctoral degree for which he/she is applying:
- In any case:
- PDF document obtained in TESEO with the information entered by the student as detailed in point 6 of the procedure.
- Proof of payment of the academic fees for thesis defense.
- License of assignment of rights for the compulsory open publication of the thesis.
- If the thesis is in the form of a compendium of publications, the application appendix and the appendices of each publication with the waiver of the other co-authors for the use of the publication for the same purpose.
- If the thesis is eligible for any mention in the doctoral degree, the corresponding documentation:
- International Ph.D: (see below).
- Industrial Ph.D: (see below).
- Thesis in co-tutelle regime with a foreign university: (see below).
At the end of the uploading process, the student will be able to request the deposit of the thesis.
2. Acceptance by the director of the application, after review of the application.
3. Authorization by the academic committee for the admission to the thesis defense process, by the coordinator.
Once this last authorization has been given, the application is sent to the EID-UCLM, where it will be reviewed together with the student's file. After any corrections that may be necessary, the thesis will begin the period of public exhibition (deposit).
Simultaneously with the application for admission of the thesis defense, it is necessary to send to the General Secretariat of the University the following documents (located in the Rector's Office on the Ciudad Real campus.):
- A copy of the thesis.
- A PDF copy recorded on a CD, DVD or pendrive.
- The original of the open publication rights assignment license.
WARNING: Both the doctoral student and the thesis supervisor must ensure that they have the necessary permissions for the inclusion in the thesis of content that may be protected by intellectual property rights. |
After authorizing the admission to the thesis defense process, the coordinator of the academic committee will send to the EID a proposal of the tribunal that will judge the doctoral thesis according to the form linked below.
This proposal will be made up of six experts in the subject of the thesis (three full members and three substitutes) with the required research experience and will be accompanied by the corresponding forms for the accreditation of such experience.
In the case of applying for the International Doctorate Mention, the requirements expressed in this section of this page on the configuration of the proposed panel will be followed.
In accordance with the Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the UCLM regarding the composition of the board and research experience:
- The examining board that judges the thesis may only have, at most, one member of the UCLM. Thus, in order to be able to exercise the substitutions foreseen, if a member of the UCLM is a member of the tribunal, another doctor of the UCLM can only appear to cover his possible absence.
- All the members of the panel will have accredited research activity with the possession of at least one six-year research period or equivalent research activity, as the case may be. The President and his or her alternate must have at least two six-year research periods or equivalent. Any doctor who is legally entitled to apply for six-year periods will not be able to accredit them with equivalent merits.
- The directors and the tutor of the thesis cannot be part of the tribunal (2).
- The previous evaluators can be part of the tribunal.
- The person in charge of the stay for the mention of international doctorate may not be part of the examining board.
(2) Except in the case of international co-supervised theses, if provided for in the corresponding co-supervision agreement.
Articles 25 and 26 of the Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the Effective Equality of Women and Men require, in the field of higher education, the adoption of measures to ensure balanced representation in advisory, scientific and decision-making bodies existing in the artistic, cultural and scientific organization.
In the same sense, the UCLM Equality Program 2020-2024 and, in particular, in its axis 4, measure 53, proposes among the actions in the field of research “To favor the presence of women in the bodies and commissions in research, promoting the introduction of the gender perspective in all scientific branches”.
On the basis of all this, parity must be complied with in the tribunals that are to judge doctoral theses with the presence of at least one member of each gender in the tribunal to be constituted. In the event that any proposed tribunal does not comply with this requirement, a justification report must be submitted explaining the reasons for such non-compliance.
Students who wish to obtain the International Ph.D. Mention in their doctoral degree must have included the following documents in their application for admission to the defense process:
- Application for certification of the International Doctorate Mention according to the model linked below, in which the language chosen for the defense of the thesis will be specified, as well as the rest of the requirements.
- Certificate issued by the foreign center/s where the stay/s was/are carried out,indicating the start and end dates, its purpose (research work or studies), the venue (laboratory, department, centre and/or institution) and identification and signature of the person superintending the stay. This researcher may not be part of the proposed jury for assessment of the thesis.
There is no specific form for this document, and therefore a copy of any document used for another purpose (such as one in support of a grant) containing at least the data indicated shall be valid.
IMPORTANT: in the event that the period of stay corresponds exactly to the legally established minimums (three months for a single stay or one month for several stays), these must appear on the certificate indicated from date to date (example: from March 15 to June 15, from July 1 to October 1).
- The authorization of your academic committee for the stay, if it has not been sent to the EID prior to the stay, according to the form available in the procedure. Please remember that it is mandatory to request prior authorization from the committee and it is highly recommended to send it to the EID once you have it, so that it can be kept on file.
In the theses that opt for this mention, the report of previous evaluation of the doctoral thesis referred to in section 2 must be issued by two doctors belonging to a higher education institution or foreign research institute, other than those responsible for the stay/s justified to opt for the mention.
As for the language/s of writing and presentation of the doctoral thesis that qualify for this mention, at least the summary and conclusions must be in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in their field of knowledge, other than the official or co-official languages in Spain. This rule will not be applicable when ALL that is related to the mention (stays, reports and experts) come from a Spanish-speaking country. On the other hand, complying with the general rule, regardless of the language in which the thesis has been developed, those same two minimum sections must also be provided in Spanish.
At least one doctor belonging to a non-Spanish university or research center, other than the one responsible for the stay/s carried out outside Spain, must be a member of the evaluation tribunals of the doctoral thesis. The substitution of this person by another person who fulfills the same condition must be foreseen.
Doctoral students who opt for the Industrial Ph.D. Mention in their doctoral degree must also provide the following documentation when requesting the deposit of the thesis:
- Application for accreditation of the Industrial Doctorate Mention in the official form (model available below).
- Copy of the employment or commercial contract maintained with the contracting company or with a public administration, or the student's employment record, showing the student's relationship with the company for a minimum period of six months (one year for theses started in the 2023-24 academic year), which must be included in the period of time between the student's first registration and the admission of the doctoral thesis for processing.
- Report or report describing the activities carried out in the research or experimental development project in which the doctoral student has participated and which accredits the direct relationship with the thesis carried out. This document must be signed by the doctoral student, the person in charge designated by the company (or public administration), the thesis tutor, the thesis director(s)/co-director(s), and the coordinator of the academic committee of the doctoral program.
The EID will also check that it has in its possession the specific agreement with the collaborating entity in which the doctoral student has developed his/her thesis (mandatory for theses starting from the 2023-2024 academic year).
In the case of doctoral theses carried out under co-supervision with foreign universities, the provisions of the corresponding agreement regarding the defense of the thesis signed at the time will apply.
For theses defended at the UCLM, the present procedure will apply in its entirety.
For theses that, according to the aforementioned agreement, are to be defended at a foreign university at the UCLM, all the steps indicated in this procedure for the deposit of the thesis will be carried out, except for the proposal of the examining board.
In any case, the following documentation must be additionally provided:
- the certificate(s) signed by their thesis director(s) (at the UCLM and at the foreign university) detailing the periods of stay in each institution (with start and end date of each one of them), to accredit compliance with the requirement of a minimum stay of six months in each institution since the first enrollment in the doctoral program at the UCLM.
Regarding the proof of the examination fees, the procedure must be carried out before the UGAC to obtain it, warning them of the co-supervision in order to be exempted from payment of the corresponding fee.
When the act of defense is carried out in the foreign university, the required at that institution will be taken into account and after its celebration it must be sent to the EID-UCLM at the appropriate time:
- A copy of the original transcript from the foreign university.
- a certificate of the act of reading, using the model linked below, which must be completed and signed by the examining board that signs it, indicating the equivalent grade in the system established in the Spanish legislation.
- additionally, in case of applying for the Cum Laude Mention, the International Ph.D. Mention, the Industrial Ph.D. Mention or, in due course, the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, the indications indicated in point 5 of this procedure on these matters must be followed.
Those who choose to write their doctoral thesis in the compendium of publications format must attach to their application for admission to the defense process the annex requesting authorization to present the thesis in this format, together with the subannexes of the waiver of the other authors of each publication to its use for the same purpose.
You must abide by the general rules for this format approved by the Board of Directors of this School at its meeting of June 7, 2016 (available in the common procedures section of this website) and the particularities of each Doctoral Program that are published in the “Program-specific procedures” section of their particular web page. The page of each Program can be accessed from the “Program offerings” section of this website.