Servicios de Ecología Molecular:
- Extracción ADN de sangre o tejido,
- Amplificación por PCR,
- Amplificación, Purificación y Secuenciación de ADN,
- Sexado molecular de aves,
- Identificación de especies
Towards a SYstems-Based, holistic Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals (SYBERAC)
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals
AMPHIDEB: Development of biologically-based models in environmental risk assessment to assess the impact of chemicals and pathogenic fungi on amphibian and reptile populations
COST - Pesticide RIsk AssessMent for Amphibians and Reptiles
Causas y efectos de los elevados niveles de selenio en el Parque Nacional de Las Tablas de Daimiel y relación con los ciclos de sequía-inundación. Financiado por Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales
Desentrañando la ruta de efectos adversos de los fungicidas triazoles sobre las aves y herramientas para su evaluación regulatoria de riesgos. Proyecto PID2020-119767RB-I00 financiado por MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
Cromatógrafo de líquidos acoplado a espectrómetro de masas de triple cuadrupolo. Ayuda EQC2019-006067-P financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa
Moduladores de la asignación materna de componentes del huevo en la perdiz roja
Autores: Doctorando.- Elena Fernández Vizcaíno; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria, Francois Mougeot, Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
26 de Enero de 2024
Autores: Doctorando.- Jennifer Pareja Carrera; - Director/es.- Mónica Martínez Haro, Rafael Mateo Soria, Jaime Rodríguez Estival
19 de Diciembre de 2023
Autores: Doctorando.- Marta Herrero Villar; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria
26 de Julio de 2023
Autores: Doctorando.- Esther Descalzo Sanchez; - Director/es.- Miguel Delibes Mateos, Pablo Ferreras Andrés
4 de Noviembre de 2022
Autores: Doctorando.- Julio Cesar Dominguez Villaseñor; - Director/es.- Jesus Garcia Gonzalez
16 de Marzo de 2022
Autores: Doctorando.- Lara Moreno Zarate; - Director/es.- Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
23 de Abril de 2021
Autores: Doctorando.- Ainhoa Mateo Moriones; - Director/es.- Pablo Ferreras Andrés, Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez
12 de Febrero de 2021
Autores: Doctorando.- Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; - Director/es.- Pablo Ferreras Andrés, Rafael Mateo Soria
4 de Octubre de 2019
Autores: Doctorando.- Jhon Jairo Lopez Perea; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria
28 de Junio de 2018
Autores: Doctorando.- Manuel Mariano Reglero Alvarez; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria
4 de Febrero de 2016
Autores: Doctorando.- Nuria Vallverdu Coll; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria, Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
1 de Febrero de 2016
Autores: Doctorando.- Ana Lopez Antia; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria, Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
20 de Marzo de 2015
Autores: Doctorando.- Ana Benitez Lopez; - Director/es.- Jesus Garcia Gonzalez, Javier Viñuela Madera
19 de Diciembre de 2014
Autores: Doctorando.- Ibone Anza Gomez; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria, María Dolors Vidal Roig
4 de Diciembre de 2014
Autores: Doctorando.- Francisco Diaz Ruiz; - Director/es.- Miguel Delibes Mateos, Pablo Ferreras Andrés
21 de Noviembre de 2014
Autores: Doctorando.- Pilar Castellanos Exposito; - Director/es.- Rafael Mateo Soria
19 de Septiembre de 2014
Autores: Doctorando.- Esther Garcia de Blas Alguacil; - Director/es.- Carlos Alonso Alvarez, Rafael Mateo Soria
16 de Septiembre de 2014
Autores: Doctorando.- Daniel Jareño Gomez; - Director/es.- Javier Viñuela Madera
14 de Febrero de 2014
Effectiveness of attractants and bait for Iberian wolf detection : captivity - based and free - ranging trials
Lucía del Río Pérez; Jon Ander Zearra García; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Jorge Tobajas González;
Blood lead levels in an endangered vulture decline following changes in hunting activity
Rafael Mateo Soria
Assessing Contamination Profiles in Livers from Road-Killed Owls
Transgenerational effects of triazole fungicides on gene expression and egg compounds in non-exposed offspring: A case study using Red-Legged Partridges (Alectoris rufa)
Environmental, geographical and time-related impacts on avian malaria infections in native and introduced populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), a globally invasive species.
Ferraguti , Martina; Magallanes , Sergio; Jiménez Peñuela, Jéssica; Martínez-De La Puente , Josué; García-Longoria , Luz; Figuerola , Jordi; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Albayrak , Tamer; Bensch , Staffan;
Iberian lynxes scavenging on ungulate carcasses: An overlooked important resource and potential risk for an endangered predator
Jorge Tobajas González; Finat , Rafael; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Margalida , Antoni;
Agriculture intensity and landscape configuration influence the spatial use of wildcats across Europe
Ruiz-Villar , Héctor; Bastianelli , Matteo Luca; Heurich , Marco; Anile , Stefano; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Götz , Malte; Herrnann , Matias; Jerosch , Saskia; Jubete , Fernando; López-Martín , José María; Monterroso , Pedro; Simon , Olaf; Streif , Sabrina; Trinzen , Manfred; Urra , Fermín; López-Bao , José Vicente; Palomares , Francisco;
Can vulture feeding stations have detrimental effects on Iberian Lynx conservation?
Three decades of research on Iberian wild Carnivora: trends, highlights, and future directions
Rosalino , Luis Miguel; Matias , Gonçalo; Carvalho , João; Álvares , Francisco; Azevedo , Alexandre; Bandeira , Victor; Fernandes , Carlos; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; Lozano , Jorge; Monterroso , Pedro; Palomares , Francisco; Santos , Nuno; Serra , Rodrigo; Pinto Da Silva , André; Virgós , Emilio; Santos-Reis , Margarida;
Prevalence and diversity of avian malaria parasites in illegally traded white-winged parakeets in Peruvian Amazonas
Marzal , Alfonso; Magallanes , Sergio; Salas Rengifo, Teresa; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Vecco , Daniel; Guerra Saldaña, Cesar; Mendo , Luis; Paredes , Vladimir; González-Blázquez , Manuel; García-Longoria , Luz; Díez Fernández, Alazne;
Mycobacterium bovis in Egyptian mongoose, Spain
Elisa Ferreras Colino; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Romero , Beatriz; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Assessing the distribution of elusive non-game carnivores: are hunters valuable informants?
Descalzo , Esther; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Martínez-Jauregui , María; Soliño , Mario; Glikman , Jenny Anne; Díaz-Ruiz , Francisco; Delibes-Mateos , Miguel;
Avian malaria, haematocrit, and body condition in invasive wetland passerines settled in southwestern Spain
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; García-Longoria , Luz; Magallanes , Sergio; Ortiz , Jose Antonio; Marzal , Alfonso;
Seasonal and spatial variations in the diet of the Egyptian mongoose in its north-eastern Iberian range edge
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Miguel Delibes Mateos; José Jiménez García Herrera; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Estudio de la distribución de los mesocarnívoros del Campo de Gibraltar mediante foto-trampeo
Gómez Chicano, Francisco Javier; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Briones Villa, Eduardo;
Lara Moreno Zarate
Passive and active parental food allocation in a songbird
Daniel Parejo Pulido; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Abril , Inmaculada; Potti , Jaime; Redondo , Tomás;
A non-invasive method to monitor farmland bird exposure to triazole fungicides
Legacy and emerging contaminants in flamingos' chicks’ blood from the Ebro Delta Natural Park
A heavy burden: Metal exposure across the land-ocean continuum in an adaptable carnivore
Diet and Spatial Ecology Influence Red-Legged Partridge Exposure to Pesticides Used as Seed Treatment
Mercury-Modulated Immune Responses in Arctic Barnacle Goslings (Branta leucopsis) upon a Viral-Like Immune Challenge
Field Availability and Avoidance of Imidacloprid-Treated Soybean Seeds and Cotyledons by Birds
Do Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Pose a Risk to Wildlife?
Estrés oxidativo: medición, manipulación y aplicación en Ecología y Evolución del Comportamiento
Alonso Álvarez, Carlos; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Tick infestation in spur-thighed tortoise population: a pilot study for unraveling epidemiological patterns and demographic consequences.
Segura , A; Rafael Mateo Soria; Rita Vaz Rodrigues; Rodríguez , O; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; José de Jesús de la Fuente García;
Medicated livestock carcasses and landfill sites: Sources of highly toxic veterinary pharmaceuticals and caffeine for avian scavengers
Water pollution threats in important bird and biodiversity areas from Spain
Sexual differences in blood parasite infections, circulating carotenoids and body condition in free-living red-legged partridges
Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Calero , María; Inés Sánchez Sánchez-Barbudo; Javier Viñuela Madera; Casas , Fabián;
Increased male-induced harm in response to female-limited selection: interactive effects between intra- and interlocus sexual conflict?
Ana Ángela Romero Haro; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Tschirren , Barbara;
Age ratio, crippling losses and factors affecting daily hunting bags of European Turtle-dove in Spain: Implications for sustainable harvest management of a declining migratory species
Pentobarbital intoxication as a potential underlying cause for electrocution in a bearded vulture
Weasel exposure to the anticoagulant rodenticide bromadiolone in agrarian landscapes of southwestern Europe
Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Díaz-Ruiz , Francisco; Jareño , Daniel; Domínguez , Julio C.; Lima-Barbero , José F.; De Diego , Noelia; Santamaría , Ana E.; Herrero-Villar , Marta; Camarero , Pablo R.; Olea , Pedro P.; García , Jesús T.; Mateo , Rafael; Viñuela , Javier;
Species-specific song responses emerge as a by-product of tuning to the local dialect
Wheatcroft , David; Bliard , Louis; El Harouchi , Myriam; López-Idiáquez , David; Kärkkäinen , Tiia; Kraft , Fanny-Linn H.; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Rajan , Samyuktha; Tuvillo , Tomas; Burgess , Malcolm D.; Cantarero , Alejandro; Laaksonen , Toni; Martínez-Padilla , Jesús; Visser , Marcel E.; Qvarnström , Anna;
Bird exposure to fungicides through the consumption of treated seeds: a study of wild red-legged partridges in central Spain
Elena Fernández Vizcaíno; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Fernández Tizón, Mario; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Mougeot , François;
Science of The Total Environment
José Jiménez García Herrera; Godinho , Raquel; Pinto , Daniel; Lopes , Susana; Castro , Diana; Cubero , David; Osorio , M. Ángeles; Piqué , Josep; Moreno-Opo , Rubén; Quirós , Pablo; González-Nuevo , Daniel; Hernández-Palacios , Orencio; Kéry , Marc;
The implementation of irrigation leads to declines in farmland birds
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Wright , A; Villanua , D; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Zipkin , E;
Circulation of zoonotic flaviviruses in wild passerine birds in Western Spain
Marzal , Alfonso; Ferraguti , Martina; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Magallanes , Sergio; Ortiz , Jose Antonio; García-Longoria , Luz; Bravo-Barriga , Daniel; Guerrero-Carvajal , Fátima; Aguilera-Sepúlveda , Pilar; Llorente , Francisco; De Lope , Florentino; Jiménez-Clavero , Miguel Ángel; Frontera , Eva;
Diversity and host assemblage of avian haemosporidians in different terrestrial ecoregions of Peru
García-Longoria , Luz; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Magallanes , Sergio; Villa-Galarce , Zaira Hellen; Ricopa , Leonila; Inga-Díaz , Wilson Giancarlo; Fong , Esteban; Vecco , Daniel; Guerra-Saldaña , César; Salas-Rengifo , Teresa; Flores-Saavedra , Wendy; Espinoza , Kathya; Mendoza , Carlos; Saldaña , Blanca; González-Blázquez , Manuel; Gonzales-Pinedo , Henry; Luján-Vega , Charlene; Del Águila , Carlos Alberto; Vilca-Herrera , Yessica; Pineda , Carlos Alberto; Reategui , Carmen; Cárdenas-Callirgos , Jorge Manuel; Iannacone , José Alberto; Mendoza , Jorge Luis; Sehgal , Ravinder Nm; Marzal , Alfonso;
The European Turtle Dove in the ecotone between woodland and farmland: multi-scale habitat associations and implications for the design of management interventions
Carboneras , Carles; Lara Moreno Zarate; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Occupancy data improves parameter precision in spatial capture–recapture models
José Jiménez García Herrera
Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Pilot monitoring scheme of water pollutants in Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas
Dulsat-Masvidal , María; Ciudad , Carlos; Infante , Octavio; Rafael Mateo Soria; Lacorte , Silvia;
Avoidance of neonicotinoid-treated seeds and cotyledons by captive eared doves (Zenaida auriculata, Columbidae)
Addy Orduna, Laura; Cazenave , Jimena; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides in the blood of obligate and facultative European avian scavengers
Oliva Vidal, Pilar; Martínez , José M; Inés Sánchez Sánchez-Barbudo; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Colomer , M Angels; Margalida , Antoni; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Determinants of the exposure of Eurasian griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) to fluoroquinolones used in livestock: The role of supplementary feeding stations
Marta Herrero Villar; Patricia Mateo Tomás; Inés Sánchez Sánchez-Barbudo; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Mark Antony Taggart; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Factors influencing lead, mercury and other trace element exposure in birds from metal mining areas
Durkalec , Maciej; Mónica Martínez Haro; Nawrocka , Agnieszka; Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Smits , Judit; Rafael Mateo Soria;
The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution ambition
Movalli , Paola; Rafael Mateo Soria; Duke , Guy;
Cosmetic plumage coloration by iron oxides does not confer protection against feather wear
Raquel Crespo Ginés; Gil , Juan Antonio; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Dietary ecology of two migrant flycatchers in habitats with and without cattle during the breeding season in central Argentina
Rebollo , María Emilia; Jahn , Alex E.; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Stella , César Adrián; López , Fernando Gabriel; Sarasola , José Hernán; Cereghetti , Joaquín;
Experimentally impaired female condition does not affect biliverdin-based egg colour
D'arpa , Stefania R.; Redondo , Iraida; Gómez-Llanos , Eduardo; Gil , Diego; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Leukocyte profile variation in Dupont’s Lark (Chersophilus duponti) in Spain and Morocco
Bustillo-De La Rosa , D.; Calero-Riestra , M.; Pérez-Granados , C.; Mereu , S.; Morales , M. B.; Traba , J.; López-Iborra , G. M.; Barrero , A.; Gómez-Catasús , J.; Reverter , M.; Viñuela , J.; Oñate , J. J.; Hervas , I.; Hernández Justribo, J.; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez;
Physiological and Behavioural Impact of Trapping for Scientific Purposes on European Mesocarnivores
Monterroso , P.; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Santos , Nuno;
Sexual differences in phenotypical predictors of floating status: body condition influences male but not female reproductive status in a wild passerine
Redondo , Iraida; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Monclús , Raquel; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Gil , Diego;
Intergenerational costs of oxidative stress: Reduced fitness in daughters of mothers that experienced high levels of oxidative damage during reproduction
Fernández-De-Simón , J.; Díaz-Ruiz , F.; Jareño , D.; Domínguez , J. C.; Lima Barbero, J.F.; De Diego , N.; Santamaría , A. E.; Herrero-Villar , M.; Camarero , P. R.; Olea , Pedro P.; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Mateo , R.; Viñuela , J.;
Fernández De Simón, Javier; Diaz Ruiz, Francisco; Jareño , Daniel; Domínguez , Julio; Lima-Barbero , José F.; De Diego , Noelia; Santamaría , Ana; Marta Herrero Villar; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Javier Viñuela Madera;
Determination of glyphosate exposure in the Iberian hare: A potential focal species associated to agrosystems
Mónica Martínez Haro; José Manuel Chinchilla Cañaveras; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Viñuelas , José Alberto; Crespo , María Jesús; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Poisoned chalice: Use of transformed landscapes associated with increased persistent organic pollutant concentrations and potential immune effects for an adaptable carnivore
Leighton , G.R.M; Bishop , J.M.; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; O'riain , M. Justin; Serieys , Laurel E.K.;
Wild micromammal host spectrum of zoonotic eukaryotic parasites in Spain. Occurrence and genetic characterization
Vioque , F.; Dashti , A.; Santín , M.; Ruiz-Fons , F.; Köster , Pamela C.; Hernández-Castro , Carolina; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Bailo , Begoña; Ortega , Sheila; Olea , Pedro P.; Arce , F.; Chicharro , C.; Nieto , J.; González , F.; Viñuela , J.; Carmena , D.; González-Barrio , D.;
Nonspecific protection of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis against Salmonella Choleraesuis infection in pigs.
Rita Vaz Rodrigues; Elisa Ferreras Colino; Ugarte-Ruíz , M; Pesciaroli , M; Thomas , J; García-Seco , T; Sevilla , Ia; Pérez-Sancho , M; Rafael Mateo Soria; Dominguez Rodriguez, Lucas Jose; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; Risalde , Ma;
Using lures for improving selectivity of bait intake by red foxes
Jorge Tobajas González; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Estate-level decision-making and socioeconomics determine annual harvest in the European Turtle-dove in central Spain
Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Lara Moreno Zarate; Peach , Will; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Birds feeding on tebuconazole treated seeds have reduced breeding output
Ana López-Antia; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Francois Mougeot; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria
Farmland composition and farming practices explain spatio-temporal variations in red-legged partridge density in central Spain
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Estrada , Alba; Mougeot , François; José Jiménez García Herrera; Arroyo , Beatriz;
Integrating active and passive monitoring to assess sublethal effects and mortality from lead poisoning in birds of prey
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Inés Sánchez-Barbudo; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Monica Martinez Haro; Rubén Moreno-Opo; Rafael Mateo Soria
Effectiveness of hunting regulations for the conservation of a globally-threatened species: The case of the European turtle-dove in Spain
Lara Moreno Zarate; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Peach , Will;
Survival and cause-specific mortality of European wildcat (Felis silvestris) across Europe
Bastianelli , M.L.; Premier , J.; Hermann , M.; Anile , S.; Monterroso , P.; Kuemmerle , T.; Dormann , C.F.; Streif , S.; Jerosch , S.; Simon , O.; Moleón , M.; Gil-Sánchez , J.M.; Biró , Z.; Dekker , J.; Severon , A.; Krannich , A.; Huppe , K.; Germain , E.; Pontier , D.; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Janssen , R.; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; López-Martín , J.M.; Urra , F.; Bizarri , L.; Bertos-Martín , E.; Dietz , M.; Trinzen , M.; Ballesteros-Duperón , E.; Barea-Azcón , J.M.; Sforzi , A.; Poulle , M.L.; Heurich , M.;
Genetic integrity of European wildcats: Variation across biomes mandates geographically tailored conservation strategies
Matias , G.; Rosalino , L.M.; Alves , Paulo Celio; Tiesmeyer , A.; Nowak , C.; Ramos , L.; Steyer , K.; Astaras , C.; Brix , M.; Domokos , C.; Janssen , R.; Kitchener , A.C.; Mestdagh , X.; L'hoste , L.; Titeux , N.; Migli , D.; Youlatos , D.; Pfenninger , M.; Devillard , S.; Ruette , S.; Anile , S.; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Monterroso , Pedro;
Metals and metalloids in freshwater fish from the floodplain of Tablas de Daimiel National Park, Spain
Sergio Fernández Trujillo; Jhon Jairo Lopez Perea; María Jiménez Moreno; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Rafael Mateo Soria
Vineyard modernization drives changes in bird and mammal occurrence in vineyard plots in dry farmland
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Wright , A D; Salguero , A; Mougeot , François;
Nutrient enrichment and trace element accumulation in sediments caused by waterbird colonies at a Mediterranean semiarid floodplain
Celia Laguna Mora; Jhon J López-Perea; Jordi Feliu; María Jiménez Moreno; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Máximo Florin Beltrán; Rafael Mateo Soria
Use of avian GPS tracking to mitigate human fatalities from bird strikes caused by large soaring birds
Arrondo , Eneko; Garcia-Alfonso , Marina; Blas , Julio; Cortés-Avizanda , Ainara; De La Riva , Manuel; Devault , Travis L.; Fiedler , Wolfgang; Flack , Andrea; José Jiménez García Herrera; Lambertucci , Sergio L.; Margalida , Antonio; Oliva-Vidal , Pilar; Phipps , Louis; Sánchez-Zapata , Jose Antonio; Wikelski , Martin; Donázar , Jose Antonio;
Do human infrastructures shape nest distribution in the landscape depending on individual personality in a farmland bird of prey?
Rabdeau , J; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Mougeot , François; Badenhausser , I; Villers , A; Bretagnolle , V; Monceau , K;
Scientific Reports
Rueda , Carmen; José Jiménez García Herrera; Palacios , Maria Jesús; Margalida , Antonio;
Metabarcoding insights into the diet and trophic diversity of six declining farmland birds
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Mougeot , François; Al , Et; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Conditioned odor aversion as a tool for reducing post-release predation during animal translocations
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; José Jiménez García-Herrera; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Can current farmland landscapes feed declining steppe birds? Evaluating arthropod abundance for the endangered little bustard ( Tetrax tetrax ) in cereal farmland during the chick-rearing period: Variations between habitats and localities
Gonzalez Del Portillo , D; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Garcia Simon, G; Morales , Manuel;
Prenatal manipulation of yolk androgen levels affects egg size but not egg colour in a songbird
D'arpa , Stefania R.; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Monclús , Raquel; Gil , Diego; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Spatial capture–recapture with random thinning for unidentified encounters
José Jiménez García Herrera; Augustine , Ben C.; Linden , Daniel W.; Chandler , Richard B.; Royle , Andy J.;
Disease Surveillance during the Reintroduction of the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Southwestern Spain
Nájera , Fernando; Grande-Gómez , Rebeca; Peña , Jorge; Vázquez , Anastasio; Palacios , Maria Jesús; Rueda , Carmen; Corona-Bravo , Ana Isabel; Zorrilla , Irene; Revuelta , Luis; Gil-Molino , María; José Jiménez García Herrera;
Prevalence and Diversity of Avian Haemosporidians May Vary with Anthropogenic Disturbance in Tropical Habitats in Myanmar
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Marzal , Alfonso; Magallanes , Sergio; García-Longoria , Luz; Suarez-Rubio , Marcela; Bates , Paul Jj; Lin , Htet Htet; Soe , Aye Nyein; Oo , Khin Swe; Aye , Aung Aung; Wilbur , Naw Dolly; Win , Ni Ni; Soe , Yupa Tin; Linn , Khaing Khin; Renner , Swen C;
Population expansion and breeding success of Bearded Vultures Gypaetus barbatus in the French Pyrenees: results from long-term population monitoring
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Lafitte , J; Sourp , E; Rousseau , D; Albert , L; Heuacker , V; Terrasse , Jf;
Structure and inter-specific relationships of a felid community of the upper Amazonian basin under different scenarios of human impact
Gil-Sánchez , Jose María; José Jiménez García Herrera; Salvador , Julia; Sánchez-Cerdá , Mariola; Espinosa , Santiago;
Do non-target species visit feeders and water troughs targeting small game? A study from farmland Spain using camera-trapping
Armenteros , J A; Jesús Caro Hidalgo; Sanchez-Garcia , C; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Al , Et;
Methodological improvements for detecting and identifying scats of an expanding mesocarnivore in south-western Europe
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Torres , José Antonio; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco;
Gestión de especies migratorias en declive: la tórtola europea.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Lara Moreno Zarate;
The role of intensive agriculture in Mediterranean woody crops as regards the conservation of reptiles
Antonio José Carpio Camargo; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Sánchez Tortosa, Francisco; Guerrero Casado, José;
A schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors
S Espín; J Andevski; G Duke; I Eulaers; P Gómez-Ramírez; Gt Hallgrimsson; Rafael Mateo Soria; Aj García-Fernández
Current landscape attributes and landscape stability in breeding grounds explain genetic differentiation in a long-distance migratory bird
García , J.; Morán-Ordóñez , A.; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Calero-Riestra , M.; Alda , F.; Sanz , J.; Suárez Seoane, S.;
Investigating the Role of Micromammals in the Ecology of Coxiella burnetii in Spain.
González-Barrio , David; Jado , I; Viñuela , Javier; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Olea , Pedro P.; Arce , F.; Ruiz-Fons , F.;
Prenatal manipulation of yolk androgen levels affects egg size but not egg colour in a songbird.
D'arpa , Stefania; Muriel , Jaime; Monclús , Raquel; Gil , Diego; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Integrating multiple datasets into spatially-explicit capture-recapture models to estimate the abundance of a locally scarce felid
Pablo Ferreras Andrés; José Jiménez García Herrera; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Jorge Tobajas González; Alves , Paulo Celio; Monterroso , Pedro;
Assessing Stress Response in Lizards from Agroecosystems with Different Management Practices
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
Risk of infection, local prevalence and seasonal changes in an avian malaria community associated with game bird releases
Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Viñuela , J.; Calero-Riestra , M.; Sánchez-Barbudo , I. S.; Villanúa , D.; Casas , F.;
Expansion of native wild boar populations is a new threat for semi-arid wetland areas.
Barasona , Ja; Carpio , A; Mariana Boadella Caminal; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; Piñeiro , X; Zumalacárregui , C; Joaquín Vicente Baños; Javier Viñuela Madera;
Sergio Fernández Trujillo
La importancia de los aspectos humanos en la gestión de los daños causados por fauna sobreabundante.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Delibes Mateos, Miguel;
Conflicto y cooperación: percepción de los actores implicados sobre los daños de conejo y su gestión.
Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Ruiz , J; Garrido , Fernando; Villafuerte , Rafael;
Increasing incidence of barbiturate intoxication in avian scavengers and mammals in Spain
Marta Herrero Villar; Inés Sánchez Sánchez-Barbudo; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Mark Antony Taggart; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Effect of mineral supplementation on lead bioavailability and toxicity biomarkers in sheep exposed to mining pollution
Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Mónica Martínez Haro; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jaime Rodríguez Estival
Influence of growing up in the city or near an airport on the physiological stress of tree sparrow nestlings (Passer montanus)
Redondo , Iraida; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; De Castro , Cristina; Aguirre , José Ignacio; Gil , Diego; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Update of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) distribution in Spain
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Salgado , Iván; Martínez-Jauregui , María; Soliño , Mario; José Jiménez García Herrera; Linares , Olmo; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
First records of anomalous colouration in the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon)
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Nájera , Fernando; Mata-Huete , Manuel; Sánchez , Juan Francisco; Cáceres-Urones , Javier; Jiménez García-Herrera, José; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Ontogeny of leukocyte profiles in a wild altricial passerine
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Vida , Carmen; Gil , Diego; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Does prey abundance affect prey size selection by the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)?
Jorge Tobajas González; Rouco Zufiaurre, Carlos; Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Castro Notario, Francisca; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Assessment of methods for detecting an opportunistic and expanding mesocarnivore in southwestern Europe
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; José Jiménez García Herrera; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
La nutria en Castilla-La Mancha
Cáceres-Urones , Javier; Aranda , Antonio; López-Carrión , Marino; López , N.; Catalán , A.; López , J.A.; Díez , Víctor; Mosqueda , Ignacio; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Díaz , M.A.; Montero , E.; Cardo , N.; De Lucas , J.; Pérez , A.M.;
Effects on carrion consumption in a mammalian scavenger community when dominant species are excluded
Jorge Tobajas González; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Rafael Mateo Soria; Margalida Vaca, Antoni;
Pallid harrier Circus macrourus.
Terraube , Julien; Mougeot , François; Auvinen , Ari-Pekka; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Biometría, condición corporal, estado reproductivo y muda de Tyrannus s. savana en el centro de Argentina
Rebollo , María Emilia; Jahn , Alex E.; Cereghetti , Joaquín; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Sarasola , José Hernán;
Seguimiento de la población de oso cantábrico en un escenario de expansión
López-Bao , Jose Vicente; Godinho , Raquel; Palomero , Guillermo; Ballesteros , Fernando; Blanco , Juan Carlos; José Jiménez García Herrera;
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; González-Blázquez , Manuel; Matta Cahacho , Nubia Estela; Vargas-León , Carolina María; Marzal , Alfonso;
A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility
Dulsat-Masvidal , María; Lourenço , Rui; Lacorte , Silvia; Rafael Mateo Soria; Wernham , Chris;
First diclofenac intoxication in a wild avian scavenger in Europe
Marta Herrero Villar; Rafael Mateo Soria;
María Jiménez Moreno
Lack of detectable genetic isolation in the cyclic rodent Microtus arvalis despite large landscape fragmentation owing to transportation infrastructures
Domínguez , Julio C.; Calero-Riestra , María; Olea , Pedro P.; Malo , Juan E.; Burridge , Christopher P.; Proft , Kirstin; Illanas , Sonia; Viñuela , J.; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez;
Chapter 2: Advances in research on physiology and evolutionary biology: the red-legged partridge as a study model
Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez
Jeske , Kathrin; Emirhar , Duygu; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; González-Barrio , David; Olea , Pedro P.; Ruiz-Fons , F.; Schulz , Jana; Mayer-Scholl , Anne; Heckel , Gerald; Ulrich , Rainer G;
Blood Toxic Elements and Effects on Plasma Vitamins and Carotenoids in Two Wild Bird Species: Turdus merula and Columba livia
Sánchez-Virosta , Pablo; Rafael Mateo Soria; Espín , Silvia;
Blood toxic elements and effects on plasma vitamins and carotenoids in two wild bird species: Turdus merula and columba livia
Plasticity in daily activity patterns of a key prey species in the Iberian Peninsula to reduce predation risk
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Jorge Tobajas González; Villafuerte , Rafael; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity
Serrano , D; Margalida , Antoni; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Al , Et;
An assessment of population size and demographic drivers of the Bearded Vulture using integrated population models
Margalida , Antoni; José Jiménez García Herrera; Al , Et; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Egg overspray with herbicides and fungicides reduces survival of red-legged partridge chicks
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Alcaide , Vicente; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Mougeot , François;
Dust and bullets: Stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger
Eneko Arrondo; Joan Navarro; Juan Manuel Pérez García; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; María Jiménez Moreno; Ainara Cortés Avizanda; Isabel Navas; Antonio Juan Garcia Fernandez; Jose Antonio Sanchez Zapata; Jose Antonio Donázar
Conflict and cooperation in the management of European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus damage to agriculture in Spain
Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Al , Et;
Linked-read sequencing enables haplotype-resolved resequencing at population scale
Lutgen , Dave; Ritter , Raphael; Olsen , Remi-André; Schielzeth , Holger; Gruselius , Joel; Ewels , Philip; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Shirihai , Hadoram; Schweizer , Manuel; Suh , Alexander; Burri , Reto;
Addressing social attitudes toward lethal control of wildlife in national parks
Martinez-Jauregui , Maria; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Soliño , Mario;
Assessment of ecotoxicological risks to river otters from ingestion of invasive red crayfish in metal contaminated areas: Use of feces to estimate dietary exposure
Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Rafael Mateo Soria
Multi-level analysis of exposure to triazole fungicides through treated seed ingestion in the red-legged partridge
Elena Fernández Vizcaíno; María Isabel García Fernández de Mera; Francois Mougeot; Rafael Mateo Soria; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain
Gangoso , Laura; Aragonés , David; Martínez-De La Puente , Josué; Lucientes , J.; Delacour-Estrella , S.; Estrada Peña , R.; Montalvo , T.; Bueno-Marí , Rubén; Bravo-Barriga , Daniel; Frontera , Eva; Marqués , E.; Ruiz-Arrondo , I.; Muñoz , A.; Oteo , J.A.; Miranda , M.A.; Barceló , C.; Arias-Vázquez , M.S.; Silva-Torres , M.I.; Ferraguti , Martina; Magallanes , Sergio; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Marzal , Alfonso; Aranda , C.; Ruiz , S.; González , M.A.; Morchón , R.; Gómez-Barroso , D.; Figuerola , Jordi;
Living in seasonally dynamic farmland: The role of natural and semi-natural habitats in the movements and habitat selection of a declining bird
Tarjuelo , Rocío; Benítez-López , Ana; Casas , Fabián; Martín , Carlos A.; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Viñuela , Javier; Mougeot , François;
Spatial heterogeneity in population change of the globally threatened European turtle dove in Spain: The role of environmental favourability and land use
Lara Moreno Zarate; Estrada , Alba; Peach , Will; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Understanding conservation conflicts associated with rodent outbreaks in farmland areas
Lauret , Valentin; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Mougeot , François; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Reducing nest predation of ground-nesting birds through conditioned food aversion
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Ecological traits and the spatial structure of competitive coexistence among carnivores
Pedro Monterroso; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Paul M Lukacs; Paulo Celio Alves; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Protein metabolism and physical fitness are physiological determinants of body condition in Southern European carnivores
Nuno Santos; Mónia Nakamura; Helena Rio-Maior; Francisco Álvares; Jose Angel Barasona Garcia-Arevalo; Luis Miguel Rosalino; Maria João Santos; Margarida Santos-Reis; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Pedro Monterroso
Conditioned food aversion in domestic dogs induced by thiram
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Pilar Gómez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Antonio Juan García-Fernández; Rafael Mateo Soria
European rabbit hunting: Management changes and inertia in the governance system in a period of population fluctuations
Piorno , V; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Castro , F; Villafuerte , R;
A complex scenario of glacial survival in Mediterranean and continental refugia of a temperate continental vole species (Microtus arvalis) in Europe
Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Domínguez-Villaseñor , Julio; Alda , Fernando; Calero-Riestra , María; Pérez Olea, Pedro; Fargallo , Juan Antonio; Martínez-Padilla , Jesús; Herranz , Jesús; Oñate , Juan José; Santamaría , Ana; Motro , Yoav; Attie , Carole; Bretagnolle , Vincent; Delibes , Juan; Viñuela , Javier;
Commentary Tolerance of bearded vultures to human activities: response to Comor et al. (2019)
Duriez , O; Margalida , Antoni; Albert , L; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Al , Et;
The paradox of endangered European rabbits regarded as pests on the Iberian Peninsula: Trends in subspecies matter
Vaquerizas , P.H; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Piorno , V; Castro , F; Villafuerte , R;
Are population changes of endangered little bustards associated with releases of red-legged partridges for hunting? A large-scale study from central Spain
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Aebischer , N J; Mougeot , François; Morales , M; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa productivity in relation to weather, land use, and releases of farm-reared birds
José Luis Guzmán García; Javier Viñuela Madera; Carranza , J; Torres-Porras , J; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
The effectiveness of conditioned aversion in wolves: Insights from experimental tests
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Maria Josefa Ruiz-Aguilera; José Vicente López-Bao; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Rafael Mateo Soria
Body size and habitat use of the common weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris in Mediterranean farmlands colonised by common voles Microtus arvalis
Mougeot , François; Lambin , X; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Luque-Larena , J J;
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; José Antonio Torres; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Francisco Diaz Ruiz
Age-Related Variation in Wing Shape Differs between Bird Orders: Implications for Interpretation of the Pointedness Index (C2 Axis) in a Size-Constrained Principal Component Analysis (SCCA)
Cabodevilla , Xabier; Perez-Tris , Javier; Lara Moreno Zarate; Al , Et; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Citizen science to monitor the distribution of the Egyptian mongoose in southern Spain: who provide the most reliable information?
Olmo Linares; Juan Carranza; Mario Soliño; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; María Martínez-Jauregui
Ecophysiological assessment of blood haemosporidian infections in birds
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo
Variation of uropygial gland volume and malaria infection between urban-rural environment in the house sparrow
Magallanes , Sergio; García-Longoria , Luz; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; De Lope , Florentino; Marzal , Alfonso;
Life-long testosterone and antiandrogen treatments affect the survival and reproduction of captive male red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa)
Alonso-Álvarez , Carlos; Cantarero , Alejandro; Ana Ángela Romero Haro; Chastel , Olivier; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in common kestrel eggs from the Canary Islands: Spatiotemporal variations and effects on eggshell and reproduction
Buck , Annika; Carrillo-Hidalgo , José; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Rafael Mateo Soria; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt;
Concentration and origin of lead (Pb) in liver and bone of Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) in the United Kingdom
Mark Taggart; Richard Shore; Deborah Pain; Gabriella Peniche; Monica Martinez Haro; Rafael Mateo Soria; J Homann; A Raab; J Feldman; Aj Lawlor; Ed Potter; la Walker; Dw Braidwood; As French; J Parry-Jones; Ja Swift; Rhys Green
Blood concentrations of 50 elements in Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) at different contamination scenarios and related effects on plasma vitamin levels
P Sánchez-Virosta; M León-Ortega; Jf Calvo; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; M Zumbado; Op Luzardo; T Eeva; Aj García-Fernández; S Espín
Feathers and hair as tools for non-destructive pollution exposure assessment in a mining site of the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Gil-Jiménez , Esperanza; Rafael Mateo Soria; De Lucas , Manuela; Ferrer , Miguel;
NSAIDs detected in Iberian avian scavengers and carrion after diclofenac registration for veterinary use in Spain
Marta Herrero Villar; Velarde , Roser; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Mark Antony Taggart; Bandeira , Victor; Fonseca , Carlos; Marco , Ignasi; Rafael Mateo Soria;
Physiological effects of toxic elements on a wild nightjar species
Espín , Silvia; Rafael Mateo Soria; García-Fernández , Antonio J;
In vitro assessment of mineral blocks as a cost-effective measure to reduce oral bioavailability of lead (Pb) in livestock
Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Rafael Mateo Soria; Mónica Martínez Haro;
Testing the shared-pathway hypothesis in the carotenoid-based coloration of red crossbills
Alejandro Cantarero; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; D Alonso; B Fernandez Eslava; Carlos Alonso Álvarez
Rafael Mateo Soria; De La Torre , José Ignacio;
DNA Integrity Estimated via the Comet Assay Reflects Oxidative Stress and Competitive Disadvantage in Developing Birds
Montoya , Bibiana; Gil , Diego; Valverde , Mahara; Rojas , Emilio; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez;
Direct evidence of poison-driven widespread population decline in a wild vertebrate
Patricia Mateo Tomás; Olea , Pedro; Mínguez , Eva; Rafael Mateo Soria; Javier Viñuela Madera;
Nuevos datos de distribución de los mamíferos carnívoros en el Parque Natural Los Alcornocales
Francisco Javier Gómez Chicano; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Eduardo Briones; Claudia Martín de Oliva
Accumulation of diastereomers of anticoagulant rodenticides in wild boar from suburban areas: Implications for human consumers
Enrique Alabau; G Mentaberre; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; R Castillo-Contreras; Inés Sánchez-Barbudo; C Conejero; María Fernández Bocharán; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jr López-Olvera
An assessment of eggshell pigments as non-invasive biomarkers of organochlorine pollutants in gull-billed tern
A Pérez-de Vargas; M Cuadrado; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria
Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring
A Badry; O Krone; Vlb Jaspers; Rafael Mateo Soria; Aj García-Fernández; M Leivits; Rf Shore
Illegal killing of wildlife in Europe continues
Antoni Margalida; Rafael Mateo Soria
Accumulation of pollutants in nestlings of an endangered avian scavenger related to territory urbanization and physiological biomarkers
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Helena Tauler Ametller; Silvia Lacorte; Antonio Hernández Matías; Joan Real; Rafael Mateo Soria
Metals and metalloids in blood and feathers of common moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) from wetlands that receive treated wastewater
Jhon Jairo Lopez Perea; Celia Laguna Mora; María Jiménez Moreno; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Jordi Feliu; Rafael Mateo Soria
Domestic waste disposal sites secure food availability but diminish plasma antioxidants in Egyptian Vulture
Helena Tauler Ametller; Joan Pretus; Antonio Hernández Matías; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Rafael Mateo Soria; Joan Real
Immunotoxic effects of lead on birds
Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Rafael Mateo Soria; Francois Mougeot; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
Exposure of black-necked grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) to metal pollution during the moulting period in the Odiel Marshes, Southwest Spain
Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Marta Sánchez; Cristina Ramo; Nico Varo; Juan Amat; Juan Garrido-Fernández; Dámaso Hornero-Méndez; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Mark Antony Taggart; Monica Martinez Haro; Andy Green; Rafael Mateo Soria
Tools for non-invasive sampling of metal accumulation and its effects in Mediterranean pond turtle populations inhabiting mining areas
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Antonio Rodriguez Perez; Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Monica Martinez Haro; Rafael Mateo Soria
Food safety risk assessment of metal pollution in crayfish from two historical mining areas: Accounting for bioavailability and cooking extractability
Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Carlos Morales Machuca; Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Rafael Mateo Soria
Feeding ecological knowledge: The underutilized power of fecal DNA approaches for carnivore diet analysis
Pedro Monterroso; Raquel Godinho; Teresa Oliveira; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Marcella J Kelly; Dana J Morin; Lisette Waits; Paulo Celio Alves; L Scott Mills
Restoring apex predators can reduce mesopredator abundances
José Jiménez García-Herrera; Juan Carlos Núñez Arjona; Francois Mougeot; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Luis Mariano González; Francisco García Domínguez; Jaime Muñoz Igualada; Maria Jesús Palacios; Samuel Pla; Carmen Rueda; Francisco Villaespesa; Fernando Nájera; Francisco Palomares; José Vicente López-Bao
Unintentional effects of environmentally-friendly farming practices: arising conflicts between zero-tillage and common vole (Microtus arvalis) crop pests
Roos , Deon; Caminero , Costantino; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Mougeot , François; Luque-Larena , Juan José; Lambin , Xavier;
Migratory patterns and settlement areas revealed by remote sensing in an endangered intra-African migrant bird of prey
Garcia-Heras , Marie-Sophie; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Mougeot , François; Bilstein , Keith; Therien , Jean-Francois; Simmons , Rob;
Harsh conditions during early development influence telomere length in an altricial passerine: links with oxidative stress and corticosteroids
Gil , Diego; Alfonso-Iñiguez , Sergio; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Monclús , Raquel;
Generalized Spatial Mark-Resight models with incomplete identification: an application to red fox density estimates
José Jiménez García-Herrera; Richard Chandler; Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Age-related patterns of yolk androgen deposition are consistent with adaptive brood reduction in spotless starlings
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Gil , Diego;
Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Pilar Gómez-Ramírez; Pedro María-Mojica; Isabel Navas; Antonio Juan García-Fernández; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Rafael Mateo Soria
Opposing population trajectories in two Bustard species: A long-term study in a protected area in Central Spain
Fabián Casas Arenas; Mougeot , François; Morales , Manuel; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Hervás , Israel; García De La Morena , Eladio; Fagan , William;
Correction factors for estimating food consumption by red fox (Vulpes vulpes) from scats
Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Javier Fernandez de Simon Romero
Montagu´s harrier breeding parameters in relation to weather, colony size and nest protection schemes: a long-term study in Extremadura, Spain
Brigitte Berger-Geiger; C Giovanni Galizia; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Conditioned food aversion mediated by odour cue and microencapsulated levamisole to avoid predation by canids
Nest association between Camponotus fallax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Vespa crabro (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Central Iberian Peninsula
Mora-Rubio , Carlos; Pérez-Bote , José Luis; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo;
Regulations on lead ammunition adopted in Europe and evidence of compliance
Effects of lead from ammunition on birds and other wildlife: A review and update
Transition to lead-free ammunition benefits all
Exposure to anthropogenic chemicals in wild carnivores: a silent conservation threat demanding long-term surveillance
Wax esters of uropygial gland secretion as biomarkers of endocrine disruption in birds exposed to treated sewage water
Urbanization and cattle density are determinants in the exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides of non-target wildlife
Progress on bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulation
Vitamin E supplementation-but not induced oxidative stress-influences telomere dynamics during early development in wild passerines
Assessing mammal community composition in the Huinay Biological Reserve (Chile) through questionnaire surveys: biases associated with respondents
Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Jesús Caro Hidalgo; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Miguel Delibes Mateos
Maternal food supplementation and perceived predation risk modify egg composition and eggshell traits but not offspring condition
Carotenoid-based coloration predicts both longevity and lifetime fecundity in male birds, but testosterone disrupts signal reliability
Oral acute toxicity of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin in eared doves: A contribution for the risk assessment of neonicotinoids in birds
Towards a multidisciplinary approach to improve cattle health and production in Uganda.
José de Jesús de la Fuente García; Marinela Contreras Rojo; Pd, Kasaija,; Ramón Christian Gortazar Schmidt; Jose Francisco Ruiz Fons; Rafael Mateo Soria; F Kabi,
Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Cattle Health and Production in Uganda
Chapter 10: Parasite mediated selection in red grouse – consequences for population dynamics and mate choice
“Got rats?” Global environmental costs of thirst for milk include acute biodiversity impacts linked to dairy feed production.
Luque Larena, Juan-Jose; Mougeot , François; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Lambin , Xavier;
Blood concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in an avian predator endemic to southern Africa: associations with habitat, density of electric transformers and diet.
Marie-Sophie Garcia Heras; Rob Simmons; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Francois Mougeot
Brood size is reduced by half in birds feeding on flutriafol-treated seeds below the recommended application rate
Ana Lopez Antia; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Francois Mougeot; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria
Blood concentrations of p,p’-DDE and PCBs in harriers breeding in Spain and Kazakhstan
Espin , Silvia; Terraube , Julien; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Al. , Et; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Mougeot , François;
Mammalian Susceptibility to a Neonicotinoid Insecticide after Fetal and Early Postnatal Exposure.
Ap Burke; Y Niibori; H Terayama; M Ito; C Pidgeon; J Arsenault; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Cl Cummins; Rafael Mateo Soria; K Sakabe; Dr Hampson
Toward Sustainable Environmental Quality: Priority Research Questions for Europe
Paul J Van Den Brink; Alistair Ba Boxall; Lorraine Maltby; Bryan W Brooks; Murray A Rudd; Thomas Backhaus; David Spurgeon; Violaine Verougstraete; Charmaine Ajao; Gerald T Ankley; Sabine Apitz; Kathryn Arnold; Thomas Brodin; Miguel Cañedo Argüelles; Jennifer Chapman; Jone Corrales; Marie-Agnès Coutellec; Teresa F Fernandes; Jerker Fick; Alex T Ford; Gemma Giménez Papiol; Ksenia J Groh; Thomas H Hutchinson; Hank Kruger; Jussi Vk Kukkonen; Stefania Loutseti; Stuart Marhsall; Derek Muir; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Kai B Paul; Andreu Rico; Ismael Rodea Palomares; Jörg Römbke; Thomas Rydberg; Helmut Segner; Mathijs Smit; Cornelis Am Van Gestel; Marco Vighi; Inge Werner; Elke I Zimmer; Joke Van Wensem
Scientific Opinion on the state of the science on pesticide risk assessment for amphibians and reptiles
Colin Ockleford; Paulien Adriaanse; Philippe Berny; Theodorus Brock; Sabine Duquesne; Sandro Grilli; Antonio F Hernández Jerez; Susanne Hougaard Bennekou; Michael Klein; Thomas Kuhl; Ryszard Laskowski; Kyriaki Machera; Olavi Pelkonen; Silvia Pieper; Michael Stemmer; Ingvar Sundh; Ivana Teodorovic; Aaldrik Tiktak; Chris Topping; Gerrit Wolterink; Annette Aldrich; Cecilia Berg; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Scott Weir; Franz Streissl; Robert H Smith
Validity of fish, birds and mammals as surrogates for amphibians and reptiles in pesticide toxicity assessment
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Joao P Maia; Andres Egea Serrano; Isabel Lopes
Females know better: Sex-biased habitat selection by the European wildcat
Teresa Oliveira; Fermín Urra Maya; José María López Martin; Elena Ballesteros-Duperón; José Miguel Barea-Azcón; Marcos Moleón; José María Gil-Sánchez; Paulo Celio Alves; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Pedro Monterroso
Molecular characterization of avian malaria in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor).
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Graves , Jeff A; Gil , Diego; Magallanes , Sergio; Salaberria , Concepción; Casal-López , Miriam; Marzal , Alfonso;
Feather content of porphyrins in Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) fledglings depends on body condition and breeding site quality
Ismael Galván; Mm Delgado; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Rui Lourenço; Vincenzo Penteriani
Improving mesocarnivore detectability with lures in camera-trapping studies
Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Pedro Monterroso
Secondary exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides and effects on predators.
Jhon J López Perea; Rafael Mateo Soria
Funciones y valoraciones de la caza y su gestión en España: estudios científicos sobre el colectivo cinegético
Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Caro , Jesús; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Plumage colour predicts dispersal propensity in male pied flycatchers
Carlos Camacho; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Inmaculada Abril Colón; David Canal; Jaime Potti
New distribution data of the least weasel Mustela nivalis in Castilla y León, Spain
Julio César Domínguez Villaseñor; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Javier Viñuela Madera; Noelia de Diego; Sonia Ilanas; Pedro P Olea; Ana E Santamaría; Juan J Oñate; Jesús Herranz; Pablo Acebes; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Juan E Malo; Xurxo Piñeiro; Alfonso Paz; C Cuellar; Patricia Mateo Tomas; Isabel Barja; Daniel Jareño; Ana Piñeiro; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez
Differences in wing morphology between juvenile and adult European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur: implications for migration and predator scape.
Xabier Cabodevilla; Lara Moreno Zarate; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Consequences of game bird management for non-game species in Europe.
Karen Mustin; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Pedro Beja; S Newey; Justin Irvine; J Kestler; Stephen Redpath
Dietary canthaxanthin reduces xanthophyll uptake and red coloration in adult red-legged partridges
Esther Descalzo Sánchez; Rafael Mateo Soria
Direct evidences of scavenging behaviour in the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus)
Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Noelia de Diego; Ana Santamaría; Julio César Domínguez Villaseñor; Alejandro Galgo; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Pedro Perez Olea; Javier Viñuela Madera
Sex-specific associations between telomere dynamics and oxidative status in adult and nestling pied flycatchers
Jimena López Arrabé; Pat Monaghan; Alejandro Cantarero; Winnie Boner; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Juan Moreno
Age-dependent changes in essential elements and oxidative stress biomarkers in blood of red deer and vulnerability to nutritional deficiencies.
Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Monica Martinez Haro; José Antonio Ortiz; Rafael Mateo Soria
Age-dependent changes in essential elements and oxidative stress biomarkers in blood of red deer and vulnerability to nutritional deficiencies
Blood concentrations of p,p'-DDE and PCBs in harriers breeding in Spain and Kazakhstan
Mammalian Susceptibility to a Neonicotinoid Insecticide after Fetal and Early Postnatal Exposure
Individual variation in behavioural responsiveness to humans leads to differences in breeding success and long-term population phenotypic changes.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Mougeot , François; Bretagnolle , Vincent;
Density-dependent prevalence of Francisella tularensis in fluctuating vole populations in NW Spain
Ruth Rodriguez-Pastor; Raquel Escudero; Dolors Vidal Roig; Francois Mougeot; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Xavier Lambin; A Vila-Coro; I Rodriguez; Pedro Anda; Juan Jose Luque Larena
Irruptive mammalian host populations shape tularaemia epidemiology
Juan Jose Luque Larena; Francois Mougeot; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; María Dolors Vidal Roig; Ruth Rodriguez-Pastor; Raquel Escudero; Pedro Anda; Xavier Lambin
Is gastrointestinal microbiota relevant for endogenous mercury methylation in terrestrial animals?
Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Rafael Mateo Soria; María Jiménez Moreno
Pollutants and diet influence circulating carotenoid levels and integument coloration in nestlings of an endangered raptor
Ms Garcia-Heras; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Re Simmons; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; Francois Mougeot
Trace element concentrations in feathers and blood of Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) nestlings from Norway and Spain
Kevin Dolan; Tomasz M Ciesielski; Syverin Lierhagen; Igor Eulaers; Torgeir Nygård; Trond V Johnsen; Pilar Gómez Ramírez; Antonio J García Fernández; Jan O Bustnes; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Veerle Lb Jaspers
The role of the mating system and intraspecific brood parasitism in the costs of reproduction in a passerine bird
Monclús , Raquel; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; P. Moller, Anders; Gil , Diego;
Intra- and interspecific competition induce density-dependent habitat niche shifts in an endangered steppe bird.
Rocio Tarjuelo; Manuel Morales; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Santiago Mañosa; Gerard Bota; Fabian Casas Arenas; Juan Traba
Sex-Specific Effects of High Yolk Androgen Levels on Constitutive and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses in Nestlings of an Altricial Passerine
Jaime Muriel; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Marisa Puerta; Diego Gil
Regional and temporal variations in diet and provisioning rates suggest weather limits prey availability for an endangered raptor.
Ms Garcia-Heras; Francois Mougeot; Re Simmons; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Exploring the views of hunting by Spanish hunters: effect of age and public vs anonymous discourses.
Jesus Caro Hidalgo; Miguel Delibes Mateos; J Gomez; Carolina Vazquez Guadarrama; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Reconciling economic and ecological sustainability: can non-intensive hunting of red-legged partridges in central Spain be economically profitable?
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Jesús Caro; Jordan Muñoz Adalia; Silvia Diaz Fernandez; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Miguel Diaz Fernandez; Javier Viñuela Madera
Factors influencing mobility and survival of Eurasian Woodcock wintering in Spain.
Guzman, Jose Luis; Jesús Caro Hidalgo; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Is the Black Harrier Circus maurus a specialist predator? Assessing the diet of a threatened raptor species endemic to southern Africa.
Ms Garcia-Heras; Francois Mougeot; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; G Avery; M Avery; Re Simmons
Respuestas comportamentales a las actividades humanas e implicaciones para la conservación
Mougeot , François; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez;
Gestión para la caza sostenible de la perdiz roja.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Biological relevance of the magnitude of effects (considering mortality, sub-lethal and reproductive effects) observed in studies with amphibians and reptiles in view of population level impacts on amphibians and reptiles
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Maia , Joao; Andrés Egea Serrano; Bruhl , Carsten; Lopes , Isabel;
Blood concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in an avian predator endemic to southern Africa: Associations with habitat, electrical transformers and diet.
Creating a safe operating space for wetlands in a changing climate
Andy Green; P Alcorlo; E Peeters; E Morris; Jl Espinar; Ma Bravo; J Bustamante; R Diaz-Delgado; A Koelmans; Rafael Mateo Soria; W Mooij; M Rodríguez Rodríguez; E Van Nes; M Scheffer
Optimizing camera-trapping protocols for characterizing mesocarnivore communities in south-western Europe
Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Paulo Celio Alves; Pedro Monterroso
A negative association between bromadiolone exposure and nestling body condition in common kestrels.
Jesús Martinez Padilla; D López-Idiáquez; Jj López-Perea; Rafael Mateo Soria; A Paz; Javier Viñuela Madera
A negative association between bromadiolone exposure and nestling body condition in common kestrels: management implications for vole outbreaks
Shape matters: animal visual patterns as signals of individual quality
Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Roger Jovani; Martin Stevens
Evaluación del impacto ambiental de la contaminación química en la avifauna de Las Tablas de Daimiel.
Rafael Mateo Soria; Celia Laguna Mora; Claudia Rivetti; Jhon López Perea; Jordi Feliu; Carlos Barata; Benjamí Piña; Ethel Eljarrat; Javier Viñuela Madera; Santos Cirujano; Álvaro Chicote Díaz; Máximo Florin Beltrán
Integrated environmental risk assessment of chemical pollution in a Mediterranean floodplain by combining chemical and biological methods.
C Rivetti; Jj López-Perea; Celia Laguna Mora; B Piña; Rafael Mateo Soria; E Eljarrat; D Barceló; C Barata
Pollutants and diet influence carotenoid levels and integument coloration in nestlings of an endangered raptor
Integrated environmental risk assessment of chemical pollution in a Mediterranean floodplain by combining chemical and biological methods
Solutions for Archiving Data in Long-Term Studies: A Reply to Whitlock et al.
Mills , Ja; Teplistsky , C; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Charmantier , A; Becker , Ph; Birkhead , Tr;
Effects of lead exposure on sperm quality and reproductive success in an avian model.
Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Francois Mougeot; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; C Castaño; F Crystal; Rafael Mateo Soria
Risk assessment of pesticide seed treatment for farmland birds using refined field data
Ana Lopez Antia; Jordi Feliu; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Rafael Mateo Soria
Mapping the spatio-temporal risk of lead exposure in apex species for more effective mitigation
Patricia Mateo Tomás; Pedro P Olea; María Jiménez Moreno; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Ines Sanchez Sanchez-Barbudo; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Rafael Mateo Soria
Effects of invasive fish and quality of water and sediment on macrophytes biomass, and their consequences for the waterbird community of a Mediterranean floodplain
Celia Laguna Mora; Jhon J López-Perea; Javier Viñuela Madera; Máximo Florin Beltrán; Jordi Feliu; Alvaro Chicote; Santos Cirujano; Rafael Mateo Soria
Differences in the vulnerability of waterbird species to botulism outbreaks in Mediterranean wetlands: an assessment of ecological and physiological factors.
Ibone Anza; María Dolors Vidal Roig; Jordi Feliu; E Crespo; Rafael Mateo Soria
Lead exposure reduces carotenoid-based coloration and constitutive immunity in wild mallards.
Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Francois Mougeot; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Ana Lopez Antia; Rafael Mateo Soria
Mercury species accumulation and trophic transfer in biological systems using the Almadén mining district (Ciudad Real, Spain) as a case of study
María José Patiño Ropero; Nuria Rodríguez Fariñas; Eva Krupp; Rafael Mateo Soria; Juan José Berzas Nevado; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios
The influence of diet on nestling body condition of an apex predator: a multi-biomarker approach
J Resano-Mayor; A Hernandez-Matias; J Real; F Parés; M Monleon; Rafael Mateo Soria; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra
Functional responses to changes in rabbit abundance: is the eagle owl a generalist or a specialist predator?
Jorge Tobajas González; Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
From conservation traps to conservation solutions: lessons from intensively managed Montagu?s harriers in Catalonia.
Daniel Torres Orozco; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Manel Pomarol; Andrea Santangeli
Can cage-trap performance in capturing red foxes be improved by using different baits and scent attractants?
Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Differences in the Vulnerability of Waterbird Species to Botulism Outbreaks in Mediterranean Wetlands: an Assessment of Ecological and Physiological Factors
Ardeola, a scientific journal of ornithology: cooperative survivorship within the red queen game.
Mario Diaz; Eulalia Moreno; Juan Amat; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Emilio Barba; Jacob Gonzalez-Solis; Paola Laiolo; Florentino de Lope; Santiago Merino; J Ramon Obeso; Alberto Velando
Parasites and mate attractiveness influence female feather corticosterone levels in a socially monogamous bird
Francois Mougeot; A Lendvai; Jesús Martínez Padilla; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; M Giraudeau; Fabian Casas Arenas; It Moore; Stephen Redpath
Parasites, mate attractiveness and female feather corticosterone levels in a socially monogamous bird
Voluntary non-monetary approaches to nature conservation.
Andrea Santangeli; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Lv Dicks; I Herzon; As Kukkala; W Sutherland; A Moilanen
Rafael Mateo Soria; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez
Trends in wildlife research: a bibliometric approach.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jesus Garcia Gonzalez
An overview of recent trends in wildlife ecotoxicology.
Rafael Mateo Soria; S Lacorte; Mark Antony Taggart
Wildlife research: towards a better coexistence between people and wildlife.
Jesus Garcia Gonzalez; J Jimenez; Rafael Mateo Soria; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Health and Environmental Risks from Lead-based Ammunition: Science Versus Socio-Politics
Health and environmental risks from lead-based ammunition: science versus socio-politics.
Jm Arnemo; O Andersen; S Stokke; Vg Thomas; O Krone; Dj Pain; Rafael Mateo Soria
Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors ? what types of samples should we use?
S Espín; Aj Garcia Fernandez; D Herzke; Rf Shore; B Van Hattum; E Martinez Lopez; M Coeurdassier; I Eulaers; C Fritsch; Maria del Pilar Gomez Ramirez; V Jaspers; O Krone; G Duke; Bo Helander; Rafael Mateo Soria; P Movalli; C Sonne; Nw Van Den Brink
Risk assessment of lead poisoning and pesticide exposure in the declining population of red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) wintering in Eastern Europe.
Rafael Mateo Soria; N Petkov; Ana Lopez Antia; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; A J Green
Effects of Lead Exposure on Sperm Quality and Reproductive Success in an Avian Model
Are farm-reared red-legged partridge releases increasing hunting pressure on wild partridge breeding stocks?
Fabian Casas Arenas; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Javier Viñuela Madera; Jose Luis Guzman; Francois Mougeot
Jorge Tobajas Gonzalez; Javier Fernandez de Simon Romerio; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Rafael Villafuerte; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Influence of game crops on the distribution and productivity of red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa in Mediterranean woodlands.
Luis Reino; Rui Borralho; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Mercury and selenium binding biomolecules in terrestrial mammals (Cervus elaphus and Sus scrofa) from a mercury exposed area
Mercury and selenium binding biomolecules in terrestrial mammals (Cervus elaphus and Sus scrofa) from a mercury-exposed area.
Maria Jose Patiño Ropero; Nuria Rodríguez Fariñas; Rafael Mateo Soria; Juan José Berzas Nevado; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios
Niche partitioning at the edge of the range: a multidimensional analysis with sympatric martens
Pedro Monterroso; Paulo Celio Alves; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Carotenoid profile and vitamins in the combs of the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus: implications for the honesty of a sexual signal.
Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Maria Esther Garcia de Blas Alguacil; Martinez-Padilla J; Francois Mougeot; Rafael Mateo Soria
Carotenoid profile and vitamins in the combs of the red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): implications for the honesty of a sexual signal
Drivers of red fox daily activity: prey availability, human disturbance or habitat structure?
Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Jesus Caro Hidalgo; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Does timing of breeding matter less where the grass is greener? Seasonal declines in breeding performance differ between regions in an endangered endemic raptor.
Ms Garcia-Heras; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Francois Mougeot; F Crystal; Re Simmons
Specific carotenoid pigments in the diet and a bit of oxidative stress in the recipe for producing red carotenoid-based signals
Specific carotenoid pigments in the diet and a bit of oxidative stress in the recipe for producing red carotenoid-based signals.
Maria Esther Garcia de Blas Alguacil; Rafael Mateo Soria; Carlos Alonso Alvarez
Oxidative Stress in Early Life: Associations with Sex, Rearing Conditions, and Parental Physiological Traits in Nestling Pied Flycatchers
Forecasting large-scale habitat suitability of European bustards under climate change: the role of environmental and geographic variables.
Alba Estrada; Paula Delgado; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Juan Traba; Manuel Morales
P Mateo-Tomás; Pp Olea; M Jiménez-Moreno; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Ines Sanchez Sanchez-Barbudo; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Rafael Mateo Soria
Factores de la coexistencia de mesocarnívoros en Parques Nacionales de ambiente mediterráneo
An in vitro evaluation of biochemical processes involved in lead-induced changes on ram spermatozoa
Castellanos , Pilar; Alejandro Maroto Morales; Olga García Álvarez; José Julián Garde López-Brea; Rafael Mateo Soria;
An In Vitro Evaluation of Biochemical Processes Involved in Lead-Induced Changes on Ram Spermatozoa.
Porphyrins produce uniquely ephemeral animal colouration: A possible signal of virginity
I Galván; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jj Negro
Hunted predators: charisma confounds.
Miguel Delibes Mateos; Francois Mougeot; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Xavier Lambin
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies
Ja Mills; C Teplitksky; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; A Charmantier; Ph Becker; Tr Birkhead; P Bize; Dt Blumstein; C Bonenfant; S Boutin; A Bushuev; E Cam; A Cockburn; S Cote; Jc Coulson; F Daunt; Nj Dingemanse; B Doligez; H Drummond; Rhm Espie; M Festa-Bianchet; F Frentiu
Conservation traps and long-term species persistence in human-dominated systems
Laura Cardador; Lluis Brotons; Francois Mougeot; David Giralt; Gerard Bota; Manel Pomarol; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Sublethal Pb exposure produces season-dependent effects on immune response, oxidative balance and investment in carotenoid-based coloration in red-legged partridges
Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Francois Mougeot; María Dolors Vidal Roig; Rafael Mateo Soria
Assessing the risk of fipronil treated seed ingestion and associated adverse effects in the red-legged partridge
Ana Lopez Antia; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Francois Mougeot; Rafael Mateo Soria
Identifying effective actions to guide volunteer-based and nation-wide conservation efforts for a ground-nesting farmland bird
Andrea Santangeli; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Alex Millon; Vincent Bretagnolle
Altered immune response in mallard ducklings exposed to lead through maternal transfer in the wild
Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Ana Lopez Antia; Monica Martinez Haro; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Rafael Mateo Soria
Low-quality birds do not display high-quality signals: the cysteine-pheomelanin mechanism of honesty.
I Galván; K Wakamatsu; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Rafael Mateo Soria; Carlos Alonso Alvarez
Increased chromatin fragmentation and reduced acrosome integrity in spermatozoa of red deer from lead polluted sites
Pilar Castellanos; Enrique del Olmo Medina; María del Rocío Fernández Santos; J Rodriguez Estival; José Julián Garde López-Brea; Rafael Mateo Soria
Plasma levels of pollutants are much higher in loggerhead turtle populations from the Adriatic Sea than in those from open waters (Eastern Atlantic Ocean).
M Bucchia; M Camacho; Mrd Santos; Ld Boada; M Roncada; Rafael Mateo Soria; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; M Zumbado; J Orós; la Henríquez-Hernández; N García-Álvarez; Op Luzardo
Interspecific and geographical differences in anticoagulant rodenticide residues of predatory wildlife from the Mediterranean region of Spain.
Jj Lopez-Perea; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; R Molina Lopez; L Parpal; E Obon; J Solà; Rafael Mateo Soria
Risk assessment of bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) exposure to topical antiparasitics used in livestock within an ecotoxicovigilance framework
Rafael Mateo Soria; Ines Sanchez Sanchez-Barbudo; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Jm Martinez
Pollutant accumulation patterns in nestlings of an avian top predator: biochemical and metabolic effects
Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; J Resano-Mayor; A Hernandez-Matias; Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; M Monleon; J Real; Rafael Mateo Soria
Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land-use change scenarios
Laura Cardador; Miquel Caceres; David Giralt; Gerard Bota; Nuria Aquilué; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Francois Mougeot; Martinez Carlos Cantero; Lourdes Viladomiu; Jordi Rossell; Fabian Casas Arenas; Alba Estrada; J Alvaro-Fuentes; Luis Brotons
Imidacloprid-treated seed ingestion has lethal effect on adult partridges and reduces both breeding investment and offspring immunity
Ana Lopez Antia; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Francois Mougeot; Rafael Mateo Soria
Effects of agricultural management policies on the exposure of Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus) chicks to cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides in rice fields.
Gm Toral; Re Baouab; Monica Martinez Haro; Ines Sanchez Sanchez-Barbudo; J Broggi; J Martinez-de la Puente; D Viana; Rafael Mateo Soria; J Figuerola
Effects of human activity on physiological stress and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe-bird.
Rocio Tarjuelo; Isabel Barja; Manuel Morales; Juan Traba; Ana Benitez Lopez; Fabian Casas Arenas; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Francois Mougeot
Diverse dose-response effects of yolk androgens on embryo development and nestling growth in a wild passerine
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Puerta , Marisa; Gil , Diego;
Accumulation of dietary carotenoids, retinoids and tocopherol in the internal tissues of a bird: a hypothesis for the cost of producing colored ornaments
Factors associated with the colonization of agricultural areas by common voles Microtus arvalis in NW Spain
Daniel Jareño Gomez; Javier Viñuela Madera; Juan Jose Luque Larena; Leticia Arroyo Benito; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Francois Mougeot
Does small-game management benefit steppe-birds of conservation concern? A field study in central Spain
Alba Estrada; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Jesus Caro Hidalgo; Javier Viñuela Madera; Silvia Diaz Fernandez; Fabian Casas Arenas; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Adverse effects of thiram treated seed ingestion on the reproductive performance and the offspring immune function of the red-legged partridge.
Ana Lopez Antia; Manuel Eloy Ortiz Santaliestra; Maria Esther Garcia de Blas Alguacil; Pablo Rogelio Camarero Abella; Francois Mougeot; Rafael Mateo Soria
Context-dependent effects of yolk androgens on nestling growth and immune function in a multibrooded passerine
Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Salmón , Pablo; Nunez-Buiza , Angel; De Salas , Felipe; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Puerta , Marisa; Gil , Diego;
Improving decision-making for sustainable hunting: regulatory mechanisms of hunting pressure in red-legged partridge
Jesús Caro; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Javier Viñuela Madera; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
The role of sardine as prey for pelagic predators in the western Mediterranean Sea assessed using stable isotopes and fatty acids
L Cardona; Lm Iñigo; Rafael Mateo Soria; J Gonzalez-Solis
Game managers´s views on the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges in hunting estates within central Spain
Miguel Delibes Mateos; Javier Viñuela Madera; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
The level of sperm competition affects the fatty-acid composition of rodent spermatozoa.
J Delbarco-Trillo; Rafael Mateo Soria; Ers Roldan
Using satellite telemetry and environmental niche modelling for informing conservation targets for a long-distance migratory raptor in its wintering grounds.
Ruben Limiñana; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; J Terraube; Mike Mcgrady; Francois Mougeot
Measuring oxidative stress: the confounding effect of lipid concentration in measures of lipid peroxidation
Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Romero Haro, Aa; Sternalski , Audrey; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Mougeot , Francois; Gil , Diego; Alonso-Alvarez , Carlos;
Biometrical analysis reveals major differences between the two subspecies of the European rabbit
Catarina Ferreira; Francisca Castro Notario; Vicente Piorno; Isabel C Barrio; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Carlos Rouco Zufiaurre; Luis Enrique Minguez Vaquero; Fernando Aparicio Galan; Jose Antonio Blanco Aguiar; Esther Ramirez Rodriguez; Candelaria Iriarte Rivero; Carlos Antonio Rios Saldaña; Jesús Cañadilla; Luis Arias de Reyna; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Paulo Celio Alves; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez
A review of the impacts of crows, ravens and Eurasian Magpies on bird productivity and abundance
Cf Madden; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; A Amar
Can widespread generalist predators affect keystone prey? A case study with red foxes and European rabbits in their native range
Javier Fernandez de Simon Romerio; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Manuel Rodríguez de la Cruz; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Rodriguez-De La Cruz , Manuel; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Capture, handling and experimental procedures with wild carnivores
Predicting winter abundance of woodcock Scolopax rusticola using weather data: implications for hunting management
Jose Luis Guzman; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Effect of hunting management on Mediterranean farmland birds
Jesús Caro; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Alba Estrada; Rui Borralho; Luis Gordinho; Luis Reino; Pedro Beja; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Feeding habits of Black-billed Magpie during the breeding season in Mediterranean Iberia: the role of birds and eggs
Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Juan Carlos Zarca; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Influence of Dissolved Oxygen Conditions on Toxicity of Ammonium Nitrate to Larval Natterjack Toads
Ecological interactions and species coexistence in Iberian mesocarnivore communities - Extended summary and main results
Nest-dwelling ectoparasites reduce antioxidant defences in females and nestlings of a passerine: a field experiment
Bosque valdiviano: amplían la información sobre mamíferos
Jesús Caro; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Miguel Delibes Mateos
Las minas abandonadas del Valle de Alcudia y Sierra Madrona: ¿un problema ambiental olvidado?
Jaime Rodríguez Estival; Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Rafael Mateo Soria
Effects of biotic/abiotic factors on submerged macrophytes and its consequence in waterfowl communities in a Mediterranean floodplain
Celia Laguna Mora; Jhon J López-Perea; Javier Viñuela Madera; Máximo Florin Beltrán; Jordi Feliu; Álvaro Chicote Díaz; Santos Cirujano; Rafael Mateo Soria
Detection and drivers of exposure and effects of pharmaceuticals in higher vertebrates
Rf Shore; Ma Taggart; J Smits; Rafael Mateo Soria; Nl Richards
Reducing Pb poisoning in birds and Pb exposure in game meat consumers: The dual benefit of effective Pb shot regulation.
Rafael Mateo Soria; Nuria Vallverdu Coll; Ana Lopez Antia; Ma Taggart; Monica Martinez Haro; Raimon Guitart; Manuel Ortiz Santaliestra
An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe.
P Gómez-Ramírez; Rf Shore; Nw Van Den Brink; B Van Hattum; Jo Bustnes; G Duke; C Fritsch; Aj Garcia Fernandez; Bo Helander; V Jaspers; O Krone; E Martinez Lopez; Rafael Mateo Soria; P Movalli; C Sonne
Revisiting food-based models of territoriality in solitary predators
José Vicente López-Bao; Alejandro Rodríguez Blanco; M Delibes; José María Fedriani; Javier Calzada; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; F Palomares
Habitat management as a generalized tool to boost European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus populations in the Iberian Peninsula: a cost-effectiveness analysis
Catarina Ferreira; Julia Touza; Carlos Rouco Zufiaurre; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Javier Fernández de Simón; Carlos Antonio Rios Saldaña; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Miguel Delibes Mateos
Ferreira , Catarina; Touza , Julia; Carlos Rouco Zufiaurre; Díaz Ruiz, Francisco; Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Ríos Saldaña, Carlos Antonio; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Miguel Delibes Mateos;
Effects of lead shot ingestion on bone mineralization in a population of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa).
P Alvarez-Lloret; Ab Rodríguez-Navarro; Pablo Ferrandis Gotor; Cs Romaneck; M Martínez-Haro; Rafael Mateo Soria
Bridging the research implementation gap ? Identifying cost-effective protection measures for Montagu?s harrier nests in Spanish farmlands.
Andrea Santangeli; E Di Minin; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Does hunters´willingness-to-pay match the best hunting options for biodiversity conservation? A choice experiment application for partridge hunting in Spain.
Miguel Delibes Mateos; M Giergiczny; Jesús Caro; Javier Viñuela Madera; Pere Riera; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Eutrophication and enteropathogens as risk factors for avian botulism outbreaks in wetlands receiving effluents from urban wastewater treatment plants
Ibone Anza; María Dolors Vidal Roig; Celia Laguna Mora; Sandra Diaz Sanchez; Sergio Sanchez Prieto; Álvaro Chicote Díaz; Máximo Florin Beltrán; Rafael Mateo Soria
A comparison of methods for estimating common vole (Microtus arvalis) abundance in agricultural habitats.
New insight in the epidemiology of avian botulism outbreaks: necrophagous flies as vectors of Clostridium botulinum type C/D.
Ibone Anza; María Dolors Vidal Roig; Rafael Mateo Soria
A resource-based modelling framework to assess the degree of habitat suitability for steppe birds in semiarid Mediterranean agricultural systems
Laura Cardador; Miquel Caceres; Gerard Bota; David Giralt; Fabian Casas Arenas; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Francois Mougeot; Martinez Carlos Cantero; Judit Moncunill; Simon Butler; Lluis Brotons
Large-scale geographical variation in eggshell metal and calcium content in a passerine bird (Ficedula hypoleuca).
S Ruuskanen; T Laaksonen; J Morales; J Moreno; Rafael Mateo Soria; E Belksii; A Bushuev; A Jarvinen; A Kerimov; I Krams; C Morosinotto; R Mand; M Orell; A Qvarnstrom; F Slater; V Tilgar; Me Visser; W Winkel; H Zang; T Eeva
Lead (Pb) in sheep exposed to mining pollution: Implications for animal and human health.
Jennifer Pareja Carrera; Rafael Mateo Soria; Jaime Rodríguez Estival
The same clade of Clostridium botulinum strains is causing avian botulism in southern and northern Europe
Ibone Anza; H Skarin; María Dolors Vidal Roig; A Lindberg; V Baverund; Rafael Mateo Soria
Plasticity in circadian activity patterns of mesocarnivores in Southwestern Europe: implications for species coexistence.
Astaxanthin and papilioerythrinone in the skin of birds: a chromatic convergence of two metabolic routes with different precursors?
Maria Esther Garcia de Blas Alguacil; Rafael Mateo Soria; Francisco Javier Guzmán Bernardo; Rosa del Carmen Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios; Carlos Alonso Alvarez
Effects of flow regulation and non-native species on feeding habits of Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in Mediterranean temporary rivers
Javier Bueno Enciso; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; David Almeida; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Diet composition and foraging success in generalist predators: are specialist individuals better foragers?
J Terraube; David Guixe; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Sexual differences in parental investment in response to parent-absent calls
Jimeno , Blanca; Jaime Alejandro Muriel Redondo; Lorenzo Pérez Rodríguez; Gil , Diego;
Efficiency of hair snares and camera traps to survey mesocarnivore populations
Pedro Monterroso; Lindsey N Rich; Ana Marta Serronha; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Paulo Celio Alves
A quantitative assessment of the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) for hunting in central Spain.
Jesús Caro; Miguel Delibes Mateos; Joaquín Vicente Baños; Beatriz Arroyo Lopez
Role of prey and intraspecific density dependence on the abundance of an avian top predator
Javier Fernandez de Simon Romerio; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Francesca Cirilli; Francisco Sánchez Tortosa; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Role of prey and intraspecific density dependence on the population growth of an avian top predator
Javier Fernández de Simon Romero; Francisco Díaz Ruiz; Cirilli , Francesca; Sanchez Tortosa, Francisco; Rafael Villafuerte Fernandez; Pablo Ferreras Andrés;
Experimental study on the effect of cover and vaccination on the survival of juvenile European rabbits
Catarina Ferreira; Rafael Villafuerte; Ignacio Villar; Francisca Castro Notario; Pablo Ferreras Andrés; Carlos Rouco Zufiaurre; Paulo Celio Alves; Luis de Reyna; Stephen Redpath
Activity patterns of the vulnerable guiña (Leopardus guigna) and its main prey in the Valdivian rainforest of Southern Chile
Miguel Delibes Mateos; Francisco Diaz Ruiz; Jesús Caro; Pablo Ferreras Andrés
Ranging behaviour of hen harriers breeding in Special Protection Areas in Scotland.
Beatriz Arroyo Lopez; Fm Leckie; A Amar; Andy Mccluskie; Stephen Redpath
Plumage ornaments and reproductive investment in relation to oxidative status in the Iberian Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca iberiae)
Experimentally elevated levels of testosterone at independence reduce fitness in a territorial bird.
Immunomodulation in post-metamorphic northern leopard frogs, lithobates pipiens, following larval exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ether
Intra-sexual competition alters the relationship between testosterone and ornament expression in a wild territorial bird
Experimental pyrethroid treatment underestimates the effects of ectoparasites in cavity-nesting birds due to toxicity
Lead poisoning in a calf from the mining area of Sierra Madrona and Alcudia Valley
Experimental approaches to test pesticide-treated seed avoidance by birds under a simulated diversification of food sources