The COMCat group is part of the ORFEO-CINQA Research Network since its creation in 2007. This Network brings together 12 Organometallic Chemistry research groups from across Spain and UK ( The annual meeting for the members of the ORFEO-CINQA Research Network, called The International School on Organometallic Chemistry Marcial Moreno Mañas, takes place since 2008.
Additionally, the COMCat group maintains active collaborations with the following professors from other universities or groups:
- Dr. Daniel García-Vivó, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo (Spain). Theoretical calculations.
- Dr. Antonio Rodríguez Diéguez. Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
- Dr. Carlos Alonso Moreno and Dr. Iván Bravo Pérez. Facultad de Farmacia, UCLM, Albacete (Spain). Theoretical calculations, photophysical and biological activity studies.
- Prof. René Rojas. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile (Chile).
- Dr. María Luisa Valenzuela Valdés. Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago de Chile (Chile).