Doctoral Thesis Defence

Procedures for the deposit and defence of the doctoral thesis For ease of understanding, we separate the process of reading and defending the doctoral thesis into seven steps:

 1. Documents validly signed in the proceedings before the EID:

The Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the  Common Administrative Procedure for the Public Authorities, sets out in its art. 10.1 that: 
"The interested parties may sign by any means that allows them to prove the authenticity of the expression of their will and consent, as well as the integrity and inalterability of the document." In application of this article, the following shall be admitted for the purposes of the procedures to be carried out at this School:

  1. Valid electronic signature, in accordance with article 10.2 of the Act 39/2015 "recognized or qualified and advanced, based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature issued by providers included in the "List of Trusted Certification Service Providers."For these purposes, the above-mentioned recognized or qualified electronic certificates are understood to include those of legal persons and of entities without legal personality."
  2. Original handwritten signature.
  3. Exceptionally, when circumstances make it difficult to send the document by the above means, the original handwritten signature, scanned in its entirety after signature and sent from the signatory's institutional email address, will be accepted.

In the latter case, the original document will remain in the possession of the issuer in case it is required by the processing body at any time during the procedure.

The insertion of images of signatures shall not be considered a valid form of signature since it does not allow compliance with the requirements of art. 10 of Act 39/2015, as it does not guarantee the authenticity of the expression of the signatory's will and consent.


2. Remote assistance in thesis defences: 

Steps for the reading and defence of the doctoral thesis

1. Most recent oversight in RAPI:

  • The procedures for the defence of the doctoral thesis begin with the most recent evaluation in the doctoral candidate's file in RAPI. For this, just as the doctoral candidate has been doing each year, he/she will connect to the tool, perform his or her tasks (generation and updating of the research plan, which is mandatory, and registration of the complementary training activities that may correspond) and ensure that they are accepted by his or her supervisor, who should issue a favourable report, as should his or her tutor and, finally, it is graded by the academic committee of the doctoral programme.
  • NOTE: this step can take place simultaneously with the preliminary evaluation of the doctoral thesis.
2. Preliminary examination of the thesis:

Once the thesis has been completed and before its admission and deposit, the quality of the thesis must be evaluated by two doctors (holders of doctorates) who are experts in the subject matter of the thesis.


The doctoral candidate, with the authorization of his/her supervisor, will request the coordinator of the doctoral programme to appoint two doctors with accredited research experience to carry out this task.
The two preliminary examiners of the thesis will be proposed, and their research experience accredited, by completion of the form for the accreditation of research experience, which the doctoral candidate will submit together with the application for preliminary evaluation.


The coordinator, in view of the research experience accredited in their forms (1), will decide on the suitability of the proposed experts. The doctoral candidate will then be informed, by the means the coordinator considers most appropriate, of the appointment of preliminary examiners, using the notification form for the appointment of preliminary examiners.

Once the appointment is known, the thesis supervisor (as agreed by the EID-UCLM Management Committee on 05/07/2018) will be responsible for sending each of them a copy of the thesis by email in PDF format, together with the form for that report and the request that, within 20 working days of receipt, they should issue a report on the quality of the thesis.


Each of the experts will send the duly completed and signed report to the coordinator of the doctoral programme.


(1) A preliminary examiner for the thesis is required to be able to accredit at least six years of experience in CNEAI research, or its equivalent in scientific production, if the examiner is not legally eligible for this recognition.


3. Admission of the thesis for defence:


Once the doctoral candidate is aware of the issuance of the preliminary evaluation reports, and if these are favourable, he/she must request authorization from his/her academic committee for admission to the thesis defence process, with the agreement of his/her supervisor(s).
This application to the programme coordinator must be accompanied by the following documentation:
  • Favourable preliminary examination reports, in case they are not in the possession of the coordinator.
  • The PDF obtained in TESEO with the information entered about the thesis as detailed in point 6.
  • Proof of payment of the doctoral thesis examination fees. The payment letter is available at the Campus Student Affairs Units.
  • The open publication rights assignment licence, according to this form.
  • One printed copy of the thesis and a PDF copy in digital support (on a CD, DVD or pendrive). In addition, the doctoral candidate must submit to the academic committee the copies of the thesis (on paper and/or digital format) it may request for consultation in the departments or centres where studies related to the subject of the thesis are being carried out.
  • Any additional documentation that may be required in the case of a thesis for a compendium of publications or to opt for the mentions of international doctorate, industrial doctorate or thesis cosupervised with a foreign university.


 IMPORTANT: Both the doctoral candidate and the thesis supervisor must ensure that they hold the necessary permissions to include in the thesis any content that may be protected by intellectual property rights.    




Upon receipt of the documentation, having conducted the appropriate verification and as soon as possible, the programme coordinator will authorize, at his/her discretion, the submission of the thesis by signing the corresponding section on the application form, which will then be returned to the receiving department/centre which, in turn, will dispatch the relevant documentation to each destination (1):

To the International Doctorate School (EID):

  • The authorized application
  • The two favourable preliminary reports and the appointment of the experts referred to in section 2.
  • The PDF obtained from TESEO showing that the required data have been filled in.
  • Proof of having paid the doctoral thesis examination fees (these fees are paid at the Campus Registry).
  • A copy of the Open Publication Rights Assignment Licence (the original will be sent to the General Secretary’s Office, as detailed below).
  • A PDF copy of the thesis for public exhibition at the EID (this file can be sent directly by the doctoral candidate to the EID in any way he/she deems appropriate: attached to an email to, shared from the cloud, on a CD/DVD, on a pendrive, ...).
  • Any additional documentation that may be required in the case of a thesis for a compendium of publications or for opting for the mentions provided for in the regulations.
  • The proposal for the jury that is to judge the thesis and the reports on the research experience of the six experts proposed for it, as described below.


Simultaneously, it is necessary to send the following to the General Secretary’s Office of the University:

  • A paper copy of the thesis
  • A PDF copy recorded on a CD, DVD or pendrive.
  • The original open publication rights assignment licence.


(1) Alternatively, this submission to each destination may be made by the doctoral candidate or his or her supervisor if so indicated by his or her coordinator.


As mentioned in the previous point, together with the defence admission documentation, the coordinator will send a proposal for the jury that will judge the doctoral thesis according to the form linked below.

The proposed jury will be made up of six experts (three ordinary members and three alternates) with the required research experience, and will be accompanied by the forms for the accreditation of the research experience of each of the six.

In the case of applying for the International Doctorate Mention, the requirements set out in that section of this very page on the composition of the proposed jury will be followed.




In accordance with the Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the UCLM regarding the composition of the jury and research experience:

  • The jury that judges the thesis may only have, at most, one member from the UCLM. Thus, for the proposed substitutions to be possible, if a member of the UCLM is an ordinary member of the jury, another doctor from the UCLM may only be included to cater for the possible absence of that ordinary member.
  • All members of the jury will have accredited research activity and possess at least one CNEAI six-year period of research experience, or equivalent research activity, as the case may be. The Chairman and his/her alternate must each have at least two six-year terms of service or equivalent. Any doctor who is legally eligible to apply for six-year period accreditation will not be permitted to accredit them with equivalent merits instead.
  • The supervisors and the tutor of the doctoral candidate cannot be members of the jury.
  • However, preliminary examiners may form part of the jury.
  • The person in charge of the stay for the international doctorate mention may not be a member of the jury.



Articles 25 and 26 of the Act 3/2007, of 22 March, for the Effective Equality of Women and Men require, in the field of higher education, the adoption of measures to guarantee balanced representation in advisory, scientific and decision-making bodies in the artistic, cultural and scientific organization chart.

On this point, the UCLM Equality Programme 2020-2024 and, in particular, its strand 4, measure 53, proposes among the actions in the field of research "To foster the presence of women in research bodies and committees, promoting the introduction of the gender perspective in all scientific branches".

In view of the above, parity must be respected for the juries that are to judge doctoral theses, with the presence of at least one member of each gender on the jury to be constituted. In the event that any proposed jury does not comply with this, a supporting report must be submitted explaining the reasons for this.



Students who wish to obtain the International Doctorate Mention in their doctoral degree must attach the following, in addition to the above documents:

  • Application for certification of the International Doctorate Mention according to the form linked below, which will specify the language chosen for the defence of the thesis, as well as the rest of the requirements.
  • Certificate issued by the foreign centre where the stay took place, indicating the start and end dates of the stay, endorsed by the thesis supervisor and authorized by the corresponding academic committee. At least 3 months of stay abroad in one or more periods of at least one month's duration shall be accredited. The person in charge of the stay in the foreign centre may not be a member of the jury, but he/she may be a preliminary examiner of the thesis.
    IMPORTANT: in the event that the period of stay corresponds exactly to the legally established minimums (three months for a single stay or one month for several stays), these must appear on the certificate and the exact period must be indicated (for example: from 15 March to 15 June, from 1 July to 1 October).
  • The authorization from the academic committee for the stay, if it was not sent to the EID in advance of the stay (recommended), using the form available within the procedure.

In theses that apply for this mention, the preliminary examination of doctoral thesis report referred to in section 2 must be issued by a doctor attached to a foreign higher education institution or a research institute.

At least one doctor belonging to a non-Spanish university or research centre, and who is not the person superintending the stay outside Spain, must be a member of the doctoral thesis assessment jury. Provision should be made for this person to be replaced by a second one who satisfies the same criterion. 




Doctoral candidates who opt for the Industrial Doctorate Mention in their doctoral degree must also provide the following documentation together with the application for admission to the defence process:

  • Application for accreditation of the Industrial Doctorate Mention on the official form (copy available below).
  • Copy of the employment or commercial contract maintained with the contracting company or with a public authority, or the candidate's employment record, showing his/her relationship with the company for a minimum period of six months, which must be included in the period of time between the candidate's first enrolment and the admission of the doctoral thesis for processing.
  • Report describing the activities carried out in the research or experimental development project in which the doctoral candidate has participated and which accredits the direct relation with the thesis produced. This document must be signed by the doctoral candidate, the superintendent appointed by the company (or public authority), the thesis tutor, the thesis supervisor/cosupervisor(s, and the coordinator of the academic committee of the doctoral programme. 





In the case of doctoral theses pursued under cosupervision arrangements with foreign universities, the provisions regarding the defence of the thesis in the corresponding agreement originally signed will be applicable.

For theses defended at the UCLM, the present procedure will apply in its entirety.

For theses that, according to the aforementioned agreement, are to be defended at the foreign university, all the steps indicated in this procedure for the deposit of the thesis will be carried out at the UCLM, except for the points referring to the jury proposal.

In any case, the following additional documentation must be provided:

  • the certificate(s) signed by their thesis supervisor(s) (at the UCLM and at the foreign university) detailing the periods of stay at each institution, to accredit compliance with the requirement of a minimum stay of six months at each institution since the first enrolment in the doctoral programme at the UCLM.

Regarding proof of payment of the examination fees, the procedure  to obtain this must be performed at the Campus Academic Administration Unit (UGAC), who should be advised of the cosupervision arrangements for exemption from payment of the corresponding fees.

When the defence act is held at the foreign university, the requirements of that institution shall be observed, and the following documents will be sent to the EID-UCLM:

  • a copy of the original proceedings from the foreign university
  • a certificate of the act of reading, using the form linked below, which must be completed and signed by the jury that signs the original proceedings, indicating the equivalent grade in the system provided for in Spanish legislation.
  • additionally, in the case of applying for the Cum Laude Mention, the International Doctorate Mention, the Industrial Doctorate Mention or, in due course, the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, the relevant indications given in point 5 of this procedure must be followed.





Those who choose to submit their doctoral thesis in the form of a compendium of publications must attach the annex requesting authorization to do so in this form to their application for admission to the defence process, together with the relevant declarations by the other authors of each publication that they waive the right to use the work in question towards the award of a doctorate.

The general rules for this form of submission, approved by the Board of Management of this School at its meeting of 7 June 2016 (available in the common procedures section of this website), and the particular requirements of each Doctoral Programme that are published in the "Programme-specific procedures" section of their specific webpages, must be observed. The page for each Programme is accessible from the "Programme Offerings" section of this website.


4. Public exhibition of the doctoral thesis (deposit): 


Once the documentation has been received at the EID, the appropriate checks will be made on the documentation received and the doctoral candidate's file and, once any deficiencies detected have been corrected, thepublic exhibition period(known asthesis deposit) will begin, which will be announced on the EID website (Thesis in process) and will be communicated by UCLMInforma to all the departments or bodies responsible for doctoral programmes and teaching centres, with the aim of publicizing it among UCLM doctors.

The thesis will be exhibited publicly for a period of ten working days so that it can be examined by any doctor who can, if he/she so sees fit, send the observations that he/she deems appropriate to formulate to the EID. To this end, the thesis will be exhibited at the General Secretary’s Office and at the department, centre or centres that are directly related to the studies that are the object of the thesis.


At the end of the deposit period for the doctoral thesis, in view of the observations made and, after consulting, where appropriate, the department and the specialists deemed appropriate, the EID will decide whether to authorize the defence and will communicate this decision to the coordinator of the doctoral programme, the doctoral candidate and the thesis supervisor(s). Any unfavourable decision must be duly justified, and will be accompanied by the instructions and the deadline for the modification of the thesis, it being mandatory for the doctoral candidate to comply with these instructions.

The EID, in the event that the defence of the thesis is authorized, will appoint the members of the jury that is to judge the thesis. The EID will notify the final composition of the jury by email to the coordinator of the doctoral programme, to the doctoral candidate, and to the chairman of the jury. Likewise, the EID shall communicate (by email) their appointment to each of the designated ordinary members and alternates.

A minimum of 10 working days must elapse between the appointment of the jury and the defence of the thesis.


5. Reading and defence of the doctoral thesis:


Once the composition of the jury has been communicated, its regular members will agree on the date, place and time for the public defence of the doctoral thesis.

It is the responsibility of the secretary of the jury to communicate this to the EID (email:, to the rest of the members of the jury and to the doctoral candidate himself/herself. A minimum of ten working days must elapse between the approval of the jury by the EID and the date of the thesis defence.

A minimum of 10 working days must elapse between the appointment of the jury and the date of the thesis defence.



In accordance with the Resolution of January 25, 2010 by the Vice-Rectorate for Doctoral Studies and UCLM Qualifications, on the procedure for the authorization of doctoral thesis funds, the administrative services of the department/centre will communicate the data requested by means of an annex in the aforementioned resolution to the administrator of the centre where the public defence of the doctoral thesis is to take place, so that the application for funds can be initiated.



In accordance with art. 16.8 of the Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the UCLM, the jury will receive the administrative support it needs from the Administration and Services Staff of the Centre where the defence of the doctoral thesis is to take place, as well as from the corresponding Department, to arrange the travel, lodging and subsistence of the members of the jury, and any other matter related to preparation for the defence act of the doctoral thesis.


The doctoral candidate will send the following documentation to the jury ordinary members and alternates, so that it is in their possession at least five days before the date of the thesis defence:

  • A copy of his/her doctoral thesis.
  • A copy of the candidate’scurriculum vitae.
  • The activity document report which can be obtained atRAPI.

For alternate members it is sufficient to submit it in a PDF file.


The defence of the doctoral thesis will take place in a public session during the academic calendar and will be announced at least seven days in advance by the department or centre, on the bulletin board of the centre where the thesis is to be read.

The jury will determine any circumstances regarding the conduct of the thesis defence act that are not provided for in the regulations (format, duration, etc.).


Once the defence has been completed, the members of the jury will complete the following documentation:

  • The Proceedings of the doctoral thesis defence, signed by all the members of the jury.
  • The final report on a doctoral thesis, completed, signed and graded (in terms of "FAIL", "PASS", "VERY GOOD" and "EXCELLENT") by each member of the jury.
  • The Certificate of International Doctorate Mention, in the case the doctoral candidate chooses this mention, completed and signed by the secretary.

Additionally, in the case that the overall grade is EXCELLENT, the following documents shall also be submitted:

  • Secret ballot on the awarding of the Cum Laude mention: Each member will cast a secret ballot, which will be collected by the secretary of the jury and sent that same day in a sealed and signed envelope to the International Doctorate School (Edificio José Prat, Plaza de la Universidad nº 2. Campus Universitario. 02071 Albacete). This envelope will be labelled with the following text: “SECRET BALLOTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE CUM LAUDE MENTION.”
    Once the sense of the votes cast has been verified, the EID will communicate the result to the doctoral candidate, the thesis supervisor(s) and the programme coordinator so that, if a positive vote has been cast unanimously by the members of the jury, the "Cum Laude" mention will be added to the grade of "EXCELLENT".
  • The confidential report for the Extraordinary Doctorate Award: In this case, it is the responsibility of each member of the jury to issue this report, without forgetting to sign it and to indicate the numerical evaluations required in the document, which will be essential for the admission and evaluation of the candidate's application in due course.




The Secretary of the Jury will send the following documentation to the respective destinations:

To the International Doctorate School:

  • A copy of the Proceedings of the doctoral thesis defence.
  • The Certificate of International Doctorate Mention, if applicable.
  • The individual appraisal reports from each of the members.
  • Confidential reports for the Extraordinary Award, if applicable.
  • The documentation on the award of the Cum Laude Mention in the form referred to above.

To the Campus Academic Administration Unit (UGAC):

  • A copy of the Proceedings of the doctoral thesis defence.
  • The Certificate of International Doctorate Mention, if applicable.


6. Publication of the thesis:



The University will be responsible for archiving the doctoral thesis in electronic format in RUIdeRA (University Repository of Open Resources of the UCLM), for which the documentation submitted to the General Secretary’s Office at the time of admission to the defence process will be used.

In exceptional circumstances, such as the participation of companies in the programme or School, the existence of confidentiality agreements with companies or the possibility that the content of the thesis could give rise to patents, temporary or partial suspension of the open publication of the doctoral thesis may be requested.


On the other hand, in order to comply with the legal requirement to publish information about the doctoral thesis in thenational database TESEO, the doctoral candidate (preferably in the final stages of his/her thesis) will register in this tool and enter all the required data in the sections "Author data" and "Thesis information".

With this same profile he/she will be able to obtain the summary required in this procedure to accompany the application for admission to the defence procedure.

After the thesis defence, the EID will complete the rest of the information required in the database for its definitive publication.


Registration and data introduction in TESEO

Registration as a doctoral candidate in the TESEO tool shall be carried out at the following address:

Getting the PDF in TESEO:

The sheet of the data entered in TESEO required for the submission of the doctoral thesis can be obtained at:


7. Application for a doctoral degree from the UCLM:

  Once the doctoral thesis has been defended and approved, and the result of the "Cum Laude" Mention is known, if applicable, the doctoral candidate will apply for the Doctoral Degree at the corresponding Campus Student Affairs Unit, submitting the documentation required by that Unit.

This procedure may also be carried out through procedure available at the UCLM Virtual Office.

Defensas de Trabajos Fin de Grado

Convocatoria julio 2024
Convocatoria junio 2024

Propuesta y asignación de Trabajos Fin de Grado (curso 24-25)

Presentación charla informativa 8-mayo-2024

Academic information of University Degrees of the EIIA

Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering
Degree in Aerospace Engineering
Master in prevention of occupational hazards
Title of Specialist in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assisted with Technology

Oferta de líneas de Trabajo Fin de Grado

Líneas de TFG - Curso 2023/2024


Validity of signatures to carry out procedures in the EID.
Law 39/2015, of October 1 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, establishes in its art. 10.1:"Interested parties may sign through any means that allows accrediting the authenticity of the expression of their will and consent, as well as the integrity and unalterability of the document."

In application of this article, the following will be admitted for the purposes of the procedures to be carried out in this School:

  • Valid electronic signature, in accordance with art. 10.2 of Law 39/2015. "recognized or qualified and advanced based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature issued by providers included in the "Trusted List of Certification Service Providers". For these purposes, the aforementioned recognized or qualified electronic certificates are understood to include those of a legal person and of an entity without legal personality."
  • Original handwritten signature.

Exceptionally, when circumstances make it difficult to send the document by the previous means, the original handwritten signature, scanned in its entirety after the signature and sent from the institutional e-mail of the signatory, shall be admitted.

In the latter case, the original document will remain in the possession of the issuer in case it is required by the processing body at any time during the procedure.
The insertion of images of signatures shall not be considered a valid signature, since it does not comply with the requirements of art. 10 of Law 39/2015, as it does not guarantee the authenticity of the expression of the signatory's will and consent.

  • Es un proyectomemoria o estudio original.
  • Realizado individualmente bajo la supervisión de uno o más tutores.
  • En el que se debe integrar y desarrollar contenidos formativos recibidos, capacidadescompetencias y habilidades adquiridas durante el periodo de docencia del Grado que esté cursando el estudiante.
  • 12 créditos ECTS (300 horas de trabajo del estudiante).


  • Dos modalidades:
  • Modalidad general se organiza al alumnado en grupos para las actividades de orientación y tutela.
  • Modalidad específica se realiza un trabajo de temática específica dirigido por un profesor/ra de la EIIA, que determinará el tema y tutorizará el TFG.
  • En la EIIA se utiliza la modalidad específica


  • Dos tipos de orientación de TFG:
  • Ejercicio de la profesión libre: cuando el  TFG consista en la redacción y firma de un proyecto que tenga por objeto la construcción, reforma, reparación, conservación, demolición, fabricación, instalación, montaje o explotación de bienes muebles o inmuebles, en sus respectivos casos, tanto con carácter principal como accesorio, siempre que queden comprendidos por su naturaleza y características en la técnica propia de cada titulación.
  • Tareas de desarrollo: cuando el TFG consista en la realización de estudios de diversa índole del ámbito de la ingeniería, desarrollo de sistemas, aplicaciones, etc.


  • El documento del TFG puede presentarse en español o inglés en el caso del Grado de Ingeniería Eléctrica y el Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática.
  • En el caso del Grado de Ingeniería Aeroespacial sólo se permite entregar el documento de TFG en español (hasta que sea subsanado en la próxima revisión de la memoria verificada).

Validity of signatures to carry out procedures in the EID.
Law 39/2015, of October 1 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, establishes in its art. 10.1:"Interested parties may sign through any means that allows accrediting the authenticity of the expression of their will and consent, as well as the integrity and unalterability of the document."

In application of this article, the following will be admitted for the purposes of the procedures to be carried out in this School:

  • Valid electronic signature, in accordance with art. 10.2 of Law 39/2015. "recognized or qualified and advanced based on recognized or qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature issued by providers included in the "Trusted List of Certification Service Providers". For these purposes, the aforementioned recognized or qualified electronic certificates are understood to include those of a legal person and of an entity without legal personality."
  • Original handwritten signature.

Exceptionally, when circumstances make it difficult to send the document by the previous means, the original handwritten signature, scanned in its entirety after the signature and sent from the institutional e-mail of the signatory, shall be admitted.

In the latter case, the original document will remain in the possession of the issuer in case it is required by the processing body at any time during the procedure.
The insertion of images of signatures shall not be considered a valid signature, since it does not comply with the requirements of art. 10 of Law 39/2015, as it does not guarantee the authenticity of the expression of the signatory's will and consent.

Procedimiento para la realización de los Trabajos Fin de Grado

Para facilitar su comprensión se separa el procedimiento de realización del Trabajo Fin de Grado en los siguientes pasos:

Flujo proceso TFE

Descripción del procedimiento para la realización de los TFGs

Flujo proceso TFE 

La selección del TFG se realizará rellenando el Anexo TFG-01 Solicitud de asignación de TFG.

El/la estudiante ha de consultar las líneas ofertadas para el actual curso publicadas en la web de la EIIA y en el espacio Campus Virtual de TFG.

Contactar con los profesores/ras que oferten las líneas en las que el/la estudiante esté interesado/a.

Rellenar el anexo, el cuál debe ir firmado por el/la estudiante y por los tutores/ras de los TFGs ofertados que se soliciten.

Entregarlo por el/la estudiante mediante la tarea habilitada en Campus Virtual antes de la finalización del plazo de entrega.

El plazo de entrega de este anexo empieza el 2 de octubre de 2023 y finaliza el 16 de febrero de 2024.

En la EIIA sólo se emplea la modalidad de TFG específica.

El apartado de "A CUMPLIMENTAR POR LA EIIA-TO" y la columna "Referencia" se dejan en blanco.

Si se tiene asignada una línea de TFG del curso anterior y se sigue trabajando en la misma línea NO es necesario entregar documentación alguna, basta con informar mediante correo electrónico al coordinador de TFGs sobre ello antes de la finalización del plazo de entrega indicado anteriormente.



Si la línea solicitada no se encuentra entre las ofertadas y NO existe colaboración con empresa además del Anexo TFG-01 entregar el Anexo TFG-0 Propuesta TFG.
Si la línea solicitada no se encuentra entre las ofertadas y existe colaboración con empresa además del Anexo TFG-01 entregar el Anexo TFG-0b Propuesta de TFG (colaboración con empresa)esta situación suele ocurrir al realizar el TFG en la misma empresa donde se realizan las prácticas académicas externas.



  Flujo proceso TFE

La Comisión TFG asignará y publicará los TFGs asociados a cada estudiante conforme se reciban las solicitudes.

La publicación de la asignación de TFGs se actualizará frecuentemente en Campus Virtual.
La última actualización de asignación se hará pública a partir del 26 de febrero de 2024.
La adjudicación del TFG y tutor tendrá una validez máxima de dos cursos académicos, pasados los cuales el estudiante tendrá que volver a realizar nuevo proceso de solicitud y proceder a una nueva adjudicación, salvo acuerdo explícito entre el tutor y el estudiante para finalizar el TFG, y aprobación de la Comisión de TFG.


Flujo proceso TFE

El tutor\a\es del TFG deben autorizar la defensa del TFG.

Para ello se ha de rellenar el Anexo TFG-07 Autorización Defensa Pública TFG y que sea firmado por el tutor\a\es.

El/la estudiante entregará dicho anexo a través de la tarea habilitada correspondiente en Campus Virtual.

Se recuerda que en la EIIA se utiliza la modalidad de TFG es específica.

Para la convocatoria Distribuida (ordinaria):
  • La Autorización de Defensa puede presentarse cualquier día entre el 2 de octubre de 2023 y el 10 de mayo de 2024, ambos inclusive.
  • La defensa se realizará entre quince días y un mes después de la entrega de la Autorización de Defensa (preferentemente a final de mes).
Para la convocatoria de junio (ordinaria):
  • La Autorización de Defensa se podrá presentar hasta el 14 de junio (inclusive) de 2024
  • La defensa se realizará entre el 24 y el 28 de junio de 2024.
Para la convocatoria de julio (ordinaria):
  • La Autorización de Defensa se podrá presentar hasta el 11 de julio (inclusive) de 2024 
  • La defensa se realizará entre el 17 y el 28 de julio de 2024.
Para la convocatoria de septiembre (extraordinaria):
  • La Autorización de Defensa  se podrá presentar hasta el 28 de julio (inclusive) de 2024 
  • La defensa se realizará entre el 4 y el 10 de septiembre de 2024.


El día que se entregue el Anexo TFG-07 también deberá entregarse

  • Documento final de TFG (más información en el Paso 4)
  • Fichero Datos_TFG.docx (más información en el Paso 4)
  • Declaración Originalidad (más información en el Paso 5)



Flujo proceso TFE

Se entregará el documento final de TFG en formato pdf a través de Campus Virtual siguiendo el documento de plantilla Plantilla TFG (dicha plantilla está disponible en formato .docx y LaTeX).

Para los trabajos orientados al ejercicio de la profesión libre se deberán seguir las directrices marcadas en el Anexo TFG-8a. En este tipo de trabajos, la portada deberá tener el formato del archivo Formato Portada TFG.

El nombre del archivo del documento deberá tener el siguiente formato: "TFG-XX-A/B/D-XXXXXX - NOMBRE APELLIDOS.pdf" : 

  • Los dos primeros dígitos corresponden a las dos últimas cifras del año de defensa.
  • El siguiente carácter es el correspondiente a la titulación. (A = GIE; B = GIEyA; D = GIA)
  • El último grupo de dígitos corresponde al número de expediente del estudiante autor del TFG. Se puede consultar en Sede Electrónica (Obtención de certificado académico). En el documento del certificado académico, en el apartado de "DATOS DE LA TITULACIÓN" aparece el número de expediente.
  • En la portada del TFG ha de aparecer el mes de la convocatoria en el que va a ser defendido, a fin de facilitar el reconocimiento, archivo y custodia del TFG.
  • Ejemplo: el TFG defendido en julio de 2022 por el estudiante con expediente 123456 para obtener el Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica llevará en su portada el código 22-A-123456 con fecha JULIO de 2022.
  • Nota: la fecha límite de entrega de TFG para la convocatoria de septiembre es finales de julio pero como la defensa se realiza en septiembre entonces el mes que ha de aperecer en la portada es SEPTIEMBRE.
  • Ejemplo: el TFG defendido en septiembre de 2022 por el estudiante con expediente 123456 para obtener el Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica llevará en su portada el código 22-A-123456 y fecha SEPTIEMBRE DE 2022.


El documento final del TFG deberá entregarse el mismo día que se entregue la Autorización de Defensa.

El mismo día que se entregue del documento final se entregará el fichero Datos_TFG.docx a través de Campus Virtual, donde se encuentra dicho archivo disponible.
Este fichero cumplimentado se entregará a través de Campus Virtual en la tarea: Tarea_Datos_TFG.
tarea datos
Ejemplo del fichero Datos_TFG.docx:


NOTA: Las tareas en Campus Virtual admiten un tamaño máximo de archivo de 20 MB, si el documento de TFG excede ese tamaño entonces se debe guardar el documento en OneDrive y adjuntar en la tarea el enlace correspondiente. Más información al respecto, con vídeo incluido, en el espacio de Campus Virtual.



Flujo proceso TFE

Documento acreditativo de la originalidad del trabajo realizado y presentado.

Se entregará el Anexo TFG-15 Declaración Originalidad TFG cumplimentado y firmado por el/la estudiante a través de Campus Virtual.
Deberá entregarse el mismo día que se entregue la Autorización de Defensa.
Una vez entregados todos los documentos asociados a los pasos 3, 4 y 5 se ha de informar por correo electrónico al coordinador de TFG.



Flujo proceso TFE

Documento a cumplimentar por el tutor\a\es, valorando el trabajo realizado y presentado por el\la estudiante.

Dicho documento es el Anexo TFG-10 Informe Final del Tutor del TFG

 El tutor\a\es enviará dicho anexo al coordinador de TFG en un plazo no superior a siete días después de que el estudiante haya entregado la Autorización de Defensa (poner en copia a


Flujo proceso TFE

La defensa del TFG será realizada por el\la estudiante y será pública y presencial, celebrándose en la fecha, hora y lugar anunciados en Campus Virtual y en la web de la EIIA.

El tiempo máximo que se dispone para la defensa no superará los 15 minutos.

Finalizada la presentación, se abrirá un turno de preguntas de no más de 30 minutos.

La evaluación será realizada por un tribunal y la calificación obtenida será el 100% de la calificación del TFG.
La calificación obtenida será mecanizada en el expediente académico de el/la estudiante en los tres días hábiles siguientes a contar desde la fecha de la defensa.
Cuando haya finalizado la mecanización de las calificaciones se notificará vía Campus Virtual para que los/las estudiantes puedan consultarlas en secretaría virtual.
De acuerdo a las memorias de verificación de los grados, los criterios de evaluación del TFG son los siguientes:


criterios evaluación TFE




Solicitud sustitución de miembro tribunal de TFG (a enviar al coordinador de TFG)

Anexo CT-1

Coordinador de Trabajos Fin de Grado