Course in Expert in Project Management


Preregistration open for the academic year 2024/25

After the success of previous editions of the course in Project Management, preregistration can now be carried out on the course under the new name “UNIVERSITY COURSE IN HIGHER TRAINING IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT” with specific preparation for passing the CERTIFICACIÓN PMP® / CAMP® exam.

The main aim of this course is for students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become a Certified Expert in Project Management.



  1. Apply this knowledge, skills and techniques in project management in order to successfully fulfil project requirements.
  2. Aquire the necessary skills for efficiently managing a project management team.
  3. Gain a grounding from the Project Management Institute, PMI®, reflected in its current PMBOK® edition, in order to train students to pass the certification exams for PMP® CAMP® as professionals.


Skills and competences to acquire:

  • Manage scarce resources (time, money, staff...).
  • Establish adequate communication.
  • Manage conflicts.
  • To meet in-house or contractual requirements.
  • Reach corporate objectives (costs, profit margins...).
  • Adequately manage uncertainty and risk.
  • Take decisions in high-pressure and risky situations.
  • Forecast the future and manage diversions preventatively.
  • Create professional criteria which enables having a comprehensive capacity of all functional groups and all key stakeholders.
  • Help to understand the lessons learnt.
  • Gain an overview of the project and its impact on the business.


Teaching staff:

The course is taught by certified PMP®m teachers with profesional and teaching experience. A large amount of the course contents shall be taught by renowned professionals, all of whom have international certification and years of experience, both in practical work and teaching preparatory courses for certification.



In order to help both students and experts attend the course, the structure is semi-presential and made up of 6 modules, and the presential part is divided into 7 blocks on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings (4 + 5 hours). Fridays, from 16:30 to 20:30 and Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00.

  • Dates: from Friday 5th April to Saturday 18th May 2024
  • Location: Higher School of Computer Science – Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071 Ciudad Real


Content attached:

Attached is the leaflet-summary with a brief CV of the professors participating.



500€, with an option to pay in instalments (300€ on enrolment + 200€ half-way through the course), plus 7.77€ for university fees and student insurance.

Download this leaflet here
