Solar and Energy Efficiency


Año de Formación
967599200 EXT:2435
Las líneas de investigación de este grupo se alinean con la RIS3 de Castilla-La Mancha en el sector siguiente:
  • medio ambiente y energía
Grupo cuyas actividades principales son las energías renovables en el área solar térmica y la eficiencia energética en edificios e instalaciones Industriales, las tecnologías solares térmicas aplicadas a edificios y los sistemas térmicos y flujos multifásicos
Pertenece a Cytema


IER’s Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency Section is currently integrated by staff of the research group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha Energy Efficiency and Thermal Systems (EnerSys). This group is composed by faculty people of the Mechanical Engineeering Department of the Engeneering School of Albacete and by hired staff.

  • Currently, the main lines of research of the group are mainly focused on the development of new thermal energy storage systems with granular solid materials in fixed and fluidized bed, both for low temperature (buildings applications) and high temperature (thermosolar plants), characterization and numerical simulation of new corrugated tube heat exchangers and the modeling, simulation and energetic optimization of different thermal equipment and systems, as well as buildings.
  • Regarding technical advice, the group offers its services to any company or institution that needs advice or studies related to energetic efficiency in buildings and industrial facilities, solar thermal technologies applied to buildings and thermal systems and multiphase flows.


Contact: Antonio Molina Navarro, 967 599 200 ext.: 2435,


imagen de material de laboratorio Since the end of 2011, ethe research group has a test bench for solar collectors inside in its facilities. In this bench the intensity of radiation can be regulated by a solar radiation simulation system, allowing a control  better of the different variables that affect the collector operation. The bank also has a flow and temperature control system The purchase of this equipment has been financed by the Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Prototype of a thermal energy storage system in a fluidized bed The research group has a prototype of this new thermal energy storage system, where they study the feasibility of using this technology as a storage system. The equipment has control of the flow and the air temperature as well as measurement of the different losses of load in the circuit and temperatures in different points of the facility.
Rheometer MCR-302

Among the recent laboratory equipment, it is worth mentioning Compact Modular Rheometer, MCR-302 model  (Anton Paar GmbH®). This device incorporates a patented technology of motor "electronically commutated motor", supported in pressurized air bearings and with normal force sensor. Two air bearings support the motor, a radial bearing centers and stabilizes the shaft and the axial air bearing supports the weight of the rotating parts. In this way, measurements can be made at low torque up to a minimum of 2nNm and a maximum of 200mNm. It also has a TruGAP® system for automatic hole control and T-Ready® function for temperature control of the sample and speed. It is a rotational viscometer, which includes a cylinder as a measuring element that is inserted into a container or cup where the product is placed, which allows the measurement of liquids at low viscosity, as well as viscoelastic liquids. The equipment has a Peltier modular temperature device type C-PTD200 linked to a thermostatic bath, which allows controlling the temperature of the analyzed product within a range between -30ºC and 200ºC. In addition, the group also has the kit "Fluidization Scientific" that allows to quantify the rheology of particles in fluidization conditions.


Gráfico obtenido
 Croquis del dispositivo

Recent acquisition of the laboratory; this device is available since December-2017.

It can obtain, through T-History methodology, the enthalpy-temperature curve ofor different materials such as: Phase change Material. (PCM).

These systems allow to determine the effective average conductivity in a bed of solid particles. Unlike traditional systems for the determination of thermal conductivity in pure materials, this system allows to obtain the effective conductivity in a no-homogeneous medium, such as a packed bed of particles. The system allows determining the effective conductivity with different fluids circulating in the bed and in different directions (axial or radial) as well as quantifying the influence of natural convection in the system. The system has been developed and designed by the research group.

 Imagen de planta piloto

One of the novel facilities available in the laboratory is the industrial pilot plant for the characterization and testing of tubular heat exchangers. This installation allows to work with different types of exchangers: double and triple tube and multitube and in a temperature range between 0 and 100 ºC.

The plant has three loops, one of heating, with a secondary circuit concentrated to a 72 kW electric boiler, one cooling, connected to a 40 kW chiller and a third loop with mains water. It has two storage tanks of 600 L and different types of pumps, which allow working with non-Newtonian fluids and with high viscosities.

Currently, the research group has different equipment that allows the monitoring, measurement and / or control of any installation. Specifically we have:

  • Data acquisition system based on NI systems.
  • Portable pyranometer with data storage.
  • Portable Dataloggers to measure temperatures.
Solar Cookers

Solar cookers are a technology in development as a clean and economical way of cooking. Its use is spreading in developing countries. Within the research group, modeling and experimentation studies have been carried out with box-type solar cookers

The research group works with different specialized software.

Specialized software





 Gráfico obtenido




Logo EES


This department offers the following main services: 

  • Test of solar collector.
  • Energy studies of buildings using computational tools.
  • Technical advice, modeling and optimization of any thermal facility (solar installations, polygeneration installations, etc ...), both at domestic and industrial level.
  • Monitoring and control of any thermal installation.
  • Technical advice and design of reactors in packed and fluidized bed.
  • Characterization system for granular materials for thermal energy storage: enthalpy, effective thermal conductivity, particle rheology in fluidization conditions.
  • Characterization and testing of heat exchangers.
  • Rheological characterization of singular fluids (as non-Newtonian) up to temperatures of 200ºC.

Committee Participation

The main international and national committees in which members of the Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency section participate are the following:




  • Solarconcentra


The group of the Solar and Energy Efficiency section participates in different committees, networks, work groups and / or associations where it collaborates with other research centers and / or companies. Among these are highlighted:


Universitat de Lleida   Universidad de la Rioja   Logo Innovacion Concurrent GREA
 Universitat de Barcelona    Universidad Interamericana    Univerty RMIT
 Universidad de Vigo      


The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-

The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-TES energy storage network

José A. Almendros-Ibáñez has participated in the group's annual meeting

Participation of the Team in the X Natio

Participation of the Team in the X National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering held in Lleida

From 28 to 30 June 2017, 10th National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering (First International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) took place in Lleida and was organized by the GREA and the University of Lleida.

Members of Energy Efficiency and thermal

A delegation from the ENERSYS group participated in the Enerstock 2024 congress in Lyon (France)

Dr. Minerva Díaz Heras received the Young Scientist Award 2024, granted by InPath TES

Researchers from the Enersys group

Leonel Mario Cerutti Cristaldo and Pedro Domínguez Coy bring their advances to the Eurotherm 2024 congress

The doctoral students and researchers from the ENERSYS group made respective presentations at the congress held in Slovenia

The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-

The ENERSYS group has joined the Inpath-TES energy storage network

José A. Almendros-Ibáñez has participated in the group's annual meeting

Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero provid

Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles Tendero provides a seminar on computational fluid dynamics during your stay in Aveiro

Dr. Juan Ignacio Corcoles offers an interesting seminar within the Erasmus + program

Research project of Juan ignacio Corcole

Research project of Juan ignacio Corcoles has been selected by Excma. Diputación Provincial de Albacete

The Project entitled “ANALYSIS OF THE FOOD FLUIDS BEHAVIOR IN HEAT EXCHANGERS”, whose principal investigator is Juan Ignacio Córcoles Tendero

Participation of the Team in the X Natio

Participation of the Team in the X National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering held in Lleida

From 28 to 30 June 2017, 10th National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering (First International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) took place in Lleida and was organized by the GREA and the University of Lleida.

Participation of the Team in the X Natio

Participation of the Team in the X National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering held in Lleida

From 28 to 30 June 2017, 10th National Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering (First International Congress of Thermodynamic Engineering) took place in Lleida and was organized by the GREA and the University of Lleida.