Extra-curricular activities


Extracurricular external internships complement the knowledge acquired by students during their academic training, enhancing their employability by acquiring competencies that prepare them for professional activities.

These internships have a duration of 150-900 hours and are voluntary. They will be recorded in the student's European supplement to their degree, increasing the value of their curriculum by gaining direct professional experience.

These internships allow students to apply and complement the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during their academic training, fostering the acquisition of technical, methodological, attitudinal, and participative competencies that prepare them for professional activities in any company related to the field of pharmacy. This includes pharmacies, distribution, official bodies, or any public or private company in which a pharmacist's skills are relevant. Consequently, students gain a realistic view of the job market and expand their hiring possibilities.

The collaborating organizations and companies offering these internships span across all autonomous communities and even abroad.

These internships are governed by UCLM regulations (link here)  


The company must register in the UCLM internship application by signing an agreement with the university; otherwise, students cannot start their internships. If the company is not registered, they should follow these steps:

  • The company must access the program through the "Companies and Institutions" profile.
  • After registering with the required data in the application, they will receive the corresponding "AGREEMENT" document, which must be completed by both the company and the University.

The RESPONSIBLE person in the company should fill out and sign the agreement and send it via email to the CIPE (Career Services). 

  • If the Responsible person uses a digital signature, they can send the signed agreement to CIPE. After a few days, it will reach the Vice Chancellor's Office for final approval, and the company will become active in the UCLM internship platform. The interested student can then find the company under the "List of Internships with Active Agreements" option.
  • If the Responsible person does NOT have a digital signature, they must PRINT two copies of the agreement on paper and sign them in all pages. The student will deliver these documents to the internship coordinator for the corresponding procedure at the Vice Chancellor's Office. The process might take up to three weeks. Once signed, the interested student can find the company under the "List of Internships with Active Agreements" option.


As an essential requirement, the student must have completed at least 150 ECTS credits. There are two ways to apply for internships in companies, and in both cases, it is essential that the company has an active Cooperation Agreement with UCLM to facilitate the external internships.
  • In some cases, the collaborating companies themselves offer internship positions during a suitable period. These companies must be previously registered in the internship application (link). The student should access the application and register with the "student" profile. They can then request the internship/s they are interested in. At the end of the specified application period, the internships will be assigned. If multiple students have requested the same internship, the academic record will be the main criterion to resolve and make the assignments. 
  • In other cases, the student directly contacts a company. In this scenario, the company must register in the application (link) (as indicated in the previous section). The student can guide the company on how to register in the application (see previous point). Once the company appears on the list of "companies with an agreement," AND ONLY FROM THAT MOMENT, the student will send the company a FORM in which they must also include the agreed period and schedule for the internship. It is crucial to fill in the start and end dates precisely so that at least 150 hours can be covered based on the hours per day. The student can perform a maximum of 40 hours per week within the time frame of 8:00 to 22:00, Monday to Friday. Weekends and holidays are not counted during the internship period. The completed form must be sent to the internship coordinator for processing. The assignment will be made directly to the student who has contacted the company.


The document "ANNEX TO THE EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT" is generated. In this file: a) the name of the student assigned to the internship will appear, as well as b) the assigned Academic Tutor (who will be a professor from the Pharmacy Degree); and c) the professional tutor. The external internship coordinator will send this file to the three parties involved (both tutors and the student) for their signature, preferably with an electronic signature. IMPORTANT: THE ANNEX TO THE COOPERATION AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED BEFORE STARTING THE INTERNSHIP, so that all parties have legal coverage.

  • If the professional tutor DOES NOT have a digital certificate, 3 COPIES OF THE ANNEX TO THE COOPERATION AGREEMENT must be printed and brought to them for signing with a blue pen. Then the student signs it, and finally, the 3 printed copies are delivered for the academic tutor's signature. One copy is returned signed to the external tutor, and another is kept for the student.
  • If the student DOES NOT have a digital certificate, they will need to process it at the Social Security or Welfare Office or the relevant public agency in their place of residence. 


All documents are available on the CIPE website. THE STUDENT must submit the following documents within a maximum of one month after the end of the internship:
  1. Internship report (PE06).
  2. Complete the student satisfaction surveys (PE07).

After the grades are finalized, visit the UGAC to have the internships recorded in the European supplement to the degree.


  1. Annex to the agreement (signed original by all three parties): External tutor, student, and professional tutor.
  2. Internship report of the student (PE06).
  3. Copy of the final student survey (PE07).
  4. Final evaluation from the company tutor (PE08), which was requested beforehand.